We’re proud to share the feedback we’ve received from patients enrolled in STREAMD

MAY 2024:

- Great support for the hip replacement process. I loved all the information daily.

- I appreciated having the regular information. It gave me some peace that what I was experiencing was a normal part of my recovery and it reinforced my knowledge.

- These were a great way to stay connected. I was really impressed.

- It’s a very important navigator in the healing process. It gives comfort and direction and eliminates the feeling of isolation.

- The text messages were great! Always kept me up with it!

- They are a big help while going through recovery. So many times I would have a question or concern and the next thing I knew a text would come and it would answer my question and give me some relief knowing what was going through was normal.

- Keep them going. Very encouraging!!

- What a great way to help your patients feel connected and informed about their experiences with the total knee replacement t. I felt confident, after receiving the texts each day, that I was right where I needed to be with my rehab and recovery, and that if I had any questions or concerns, you gave me a link to contact the office. These texts gave me great peace of mind. Thank you so much!

- It was wonderful. I looked forward to the encouragement and suggestions for success. I felt that you and your team cared about my recovery and rehab. Friends have said that they felt little connection with their doctor once they left the hospital. They wish they had more communication.

- It was nice to get information and ideas about recovery.

APRIL 2024:

- It’s a great thing to get you through the recovery. Just when you want to call and ask questions the text comes in and has the answers.

- The text messages were spot on regarding what to expect during time after surgery. Felt like my surgeon was looking over my shoulder and knew the time line of what to address on every text.

- The text messages were so informative and uplifting! I looked forward to receiving them each day.

- It was really helpful!

- This process had such a positive affect on getting through the healing. I was so glad to see where I was and where I should be.

- I appreciated the text messages so much. I would be wondering about something if it was normal and then I would receive a text that answered my question. My friends that have had replacements didn’t have a surgeon that did this and they commented on how impressed they were.

- Very helpful and informative!

- I found it all very helpful. I felt like the texts and video links provided good guidance as well as good check points.

- It really helps to keep the patient informed.

- It made me feel connected. It was encouraging and helped me gauge where I was in my recovery. It was positive and I really thought they were helpful!!

MARCH 2024:

- So many times I had questions and was ready to text you when your email answered the question. Timing was remarkable.

- Overall very positive experience. Very frequently the topic in the text answered a question in my mind!

- Thank you for this mode of communication which help to understand the anticipated process and recovery efforts.

- It really is super helpful and informative.

- The messages were encouraging, and made me feel like you really care about your patients

- Loved getting them! We tend to always think the worst, so hearing otherwise was calming—like a breath of fresh air!!

- They are so helpful. I think knowing what you are experiencing is fairly “normal” is helpful. I found myself being impatient with my progress and pain.

- They helped me gauge how I was doing when compared with others. I am all for patient education.

- Outstanding service. Feels personal connection with doctor. Need to continue this great service. It feels as if the doctor is close by. Text always seems to read what’s in my mind and questions.

- Love it & I told him in office. Made me much more relaxed as comments/links came at appropriate times.

- Such a brilliant idea to do this. I’m really going to miss the texts when they stop. It’s been a daily routine to read them.

- Keep it up! The messages help me feel connected and answered so many questions!

- They showed he cared about my progress and understood what I was going through, which is rare these days.

- I liked the messages. It made me feel you knew what I was experiencing and was a good encouragement.

- Answers were very timely. I am a therapist but still liked getting reinforcement that everything was going according to plan as I never personally had a knee replacement.

- I am so grateful for how you have changed my life. Getting the daily text helped me feel like I was Not forgotten during my recovery. It’s a long process and just when I was feeling discouraged, I would get an encouraging text!

- These messages were a lifesaver! Almost every one of the messages reassured me, urged me to work harder or just let me know where I was supposed to be during recovery. These messages were an important part of my surgery and recovery. So very appreciated!

- Very helpful and inspiring, particularly in the first week or two after surgery.


- Very useful tool - impressed with the text option - raising the bar for other surgeons!

- Excellent service! Extremely helpful and informative. Very positive feedback and encouragement.

- Felt connected and messages came at appropriate time during recovery.

- It was nice getting encouraging text daily, I really appreciated them.

- Due to the text messages, I have felt more connected with you and my care without having a lengthy office visit. I also felt well informed regarding my progress.

- I was extremely satisfied with text messages. I looked forward to them each day.

- I really liked the messages! It was very informative. Most of the time I had just finished when the message came in or was very close to the correct timing. The goals made me work harder at home to be where I should be.

- I am so thankful you provided these streams text messages. I felt you anticipated each day what I was experiencing and without the daily encouragement to do my exercises I truly believe I would not have had the positive results in my recovery from this knee replacement. I am so grateful to have you as my surgeon and providing these daily texts.

- The text messages were extremely helpful. I would encourage all patients undergoing knee replacement surgery to sign up for the messages. The messages were very timely.

- I loved and looked forward to receiving the messages. It was motivating and educational. I felt important and not forgotten by my surgeon. Thank you so much!!!

- So great, even the second time around. Info was literally almost to the day I was thinking about things. So perfect.


(12/29/23) Gave you motivation and answered questions about the meds.
(12/29/23) It was very helpful.
(12/28/23) Keep it up, they were very helpful.
(12/28/23) This is a great system, keep it.
(12/28/23) It was helpful to know what to expect with my recovery. There are always many questions as you heal and some messages were answers to questions I hadn’t thought of. I feel this method of messaging frees up time for the staff as well which is beneficial for other patients. I appreciated all of the messages.
(12/28/23) Good info and positive reinforcement.
(12/27/23) I looked forward to them. It seemed like, the questions I had were always answered by one of your texts.
(12/26/23) I thought they were excellent . In fact I looked forward to them.
(12/26/23) Very nice to have positive things sent out.
(12/26/23) Very helpful in my recovery process.
(12/25/23) I really enjoyed the daily messages. They were inspiring. They made me realize I was on track even when I felt down about progress.
(12/22/23) I really looked forward to getting them.
(12/21/23) Messages were super helpful and reassuring things will be OK.
(12/21/23) I liked it!!
(12/21/23) Keep it going. The contained information was very helpful and answered a lot of questions.
(12/21/23) Very Grateful, appreciate team.
(12/21/23) Excellent way to encourage your patients and give guidance as they recover.
(12/20/23) I appreciated getting the texts and videos. The exercise videos were particularly beneficial.
(12/20/23) I appreciated the post surgery texts, as it showed me where I should be in my recovery. That was very reassuring .
The texts before surgery were helpful as reminders to stop taking medications etc, although I found it to be a bit anxiety producing.
(12/20/23) Enjoyed them and provided great support information!
(12/19/23) I liked the messages and the videos , they were quite helpful.
(12/19/23) The STREAMD text messages were so helpful. They told us what to do and advised us as to our progress. Gave good ideas to try and kept us informed about alternatives and hints. We didn’t have to wonder if we were doing the right things and most questions I had were easily addressed in the text messages.
(12/18/23) It lets you know you are not alone.
(12/16/23) They were awesome. Giving reminders, answers to typical questions, what’s next, PT exercises. All were great.
(12/15/23) Loved it . Saved them a few calls. one day I was riding the bike and as I was riding the bike I got a text that said I should start riding the bike.
(12/15/23) It is an awesome service helping with the recovery,much appreciated.
(12/13/23) I loved receiving them. Answered questions I was having and did not have to call office.
(12/12/23) I was pleased with them. Let me know if I was on schedule with where I should be each day.
(12/12/23) Texts and exercises are very helpful.
(12/12/23) Loved it. Wouldn’t change a thing.
(12/12/23) STREAMD was so helpful and helped me through my healing. It assured me I was on track, and I wasn’t alone.
(12/11/23) Keep doing this.
(12/11/23) I think it’s great!
(12/11/23) This is a good source of communication.
(12/10/23) Very informative, helped a lot in recovery as what to expect.
(12/10/23) Helps me get motivated first thing in the morning.
(12/8/23) Keep up the good work!
(12/7/23) This was an excellent way to receive information. The right info came at the right time so I appreciate how that was calculated.
(12/7/23) Very helpful by keeping patient on track
(12/6/23) Keep up the excellent work.
(12/6/23) It was a helpful reminder to keep up the exercises and continue walking.
(12/6/23) The messages were helpful to keep me on track. Most of the messages assured me I was where I should be, some made me realize I needed to work harder.
(12/5/23) I was really happy to have gotten them.
(12/4/23) These messages enhanced the very excellent care.
(12/4/23) This has been AMAZING. I have *multiple* friends who’ve had knee replacement.. NONE of them have had this kind of follow up care thru txt’s/phone calls etc. This has helped me feel DAILY, like you care and had helped me know WHY I’m experiencing things In experiencing, dad by day. PHENOMENAL!
(!2/3/23) I absolutely loved receiving these messages. It seemed that they always came at appropriate stages of my recovery.
(12/1/23) The texts were informational, encouraging, and interactive enough as appropriate.
(12/1/23) It was extremely helpful and it kept me on my toes regarding the exercises I needed to be doing.
(12/1/23) These were very helpful!
(12/1/23) I thought it would be soso but, the info kept me on track and the option to send text for more detail is great. Kept me from googling or calling office.
(11/29/23) These text messages both before and after surgery were extremely helpful to me. Before the surgery they eased my mind and I wasn’t as scared. And after they were very reassuring! I would have been calling the office a lot without the texts! Thank you so much!!
(11/29/23) Loved it n looked forward to them every day.
(11/29/23) really appreciated the encouragement as last time I got depressed. This time I was not, and felt uplifted. Thank you so much.
(11/29/23) Very good and very helpful.
(11/28/23) Overall, STREAMD is great! When I sent a quick 2-3 word response, it returned appropriate replies.
The jokes are good “dad” jokes. I shared with other PTs in P.T. and they laughed.
The home exercises were great! The video are the best!! I did 2 hrs of home exercises every day not P.T. days and the videos guided the process.
(11/28/23) They were helpful regarding my progress.
(11/28/23) Very helpful in keeping me up to date on what was going on during the different stages of recovery.
(11/28/23) Helped getting the messages.
(11/28/23) They are timely and supportive.
(11/28/23) It was excellent….keep it up! Made me feel like I wasn’t just a name on the surgery schedule……and my success and recovery are important!
(11/28/23) Informative, helpful and motivational.
(11/27/23) So very helpful and they seemed to be about what I needed at exactly the right time.
(11/27/23) Messages were very helpful. Good program.
(11/26/23) The guidance was helpful and reassuring overall.
(11/26/23) Keep them coming.i look forward to them.
(11/24/23) Great tool during recovery.
(11/23/23) I’m glad you offer these Streamd Texts it help keep a balanced mindset confer recovery and what I could do to further my progress.
(11/23/23) Ansewered many questions. Motivational. Felt connected to the surgical team.
(11/23/23) Helpful information and updates after surgery. Still made you feel connected after surgery.
(11/22/23) Thanks so much for checking in and giving me positive feedback.
(11/21/23) Great, Good Job, Well Done!! The texts were right in line with my post op recovery, answering my concerns and questions. Thank you.
(11/21/23) The text messages were timely to my progress. Just when I was discouraged or feeling depressed the texts were appropriate.
(11/21/23) They are good because they help you know what to expect in real time.
(11/21/23) It made me feel connected.
(11/21/23) Keep doing them they were very helpful in my recovery. Thanks
(11/21/23) I like them and the messages came at the right time of recovery.
(11/21/23) They are a big help in normalizing my recovery and support.
(11/21/23) Thank you for sending the texts They were most helpful.
(11/20/23) I loved getting the messages. It kept me informed about what to expect and if i was doing the right things for my recovery.
(11/17/23) Extremely helpful and uplifting.
(11/17/23) They were a great reminder of where I started and how I was progressing.
(11/17/23) I would not change a thing. All msg were great and timely.
(11/17/23) Thank you it was very helpful.
(11/17/23) This service is of great help.
(11/17/23) I thought all the messages were very positive and uplifting.
(11/16/23) STREAMD text messages kept me on track with my exercises and recovery.
(11/16/23) It’s a great communication tool. They have been very helpful.
(11/15/23) Great experience, never had surgery before and I’m 72 years old.
(11/14/23) I believe they’re great Especiallye for people who may not be disciplined in their recovery exercises and state of mind when challenges come their way. I.E. one step forward two steps back days.
(11/13/23) It felt like someone was there for you everyday with positive encouragement , and to guide you along the way. Highly recommended 😊
(11/13/23) Please continue! Very helpful! Learned many new things. This was my 2nd knee replacement.
(11/13/23) Helpful information. Lots of positive comments to keep me more positive. Helpful comments about medication usage, and exercises. Each week I knew what to expect with my progress. I enjoyed the links to various videos and exercises.
(11/13/23) The texts were great and really on point almost to the day in terms of something I might question and then the text provided the answer. The videos of exercises were helpful as well.
(11/10/23) They were very helpful!
(11/10/23) Thank you! They were well-timed with my progression of recovery, and very much appreciated.
(11/9/23) They were helpful and motivating. The exercise videos were especially helpful. I felt like I was being encouraged. The caregiver should also receive the information directed to their part in the patient’s recovery.
(11/9/23) Extremely thoughtful and helpful during the recovery. Helped stay focused on the end goal.
Grateful for the reminders.
(11/8/23) The messages made me feel like I wasn’t alone and that things would get better.
(11/8/23) The messages were timely and to the point.
(11/7/23) They are excellent! I highly recommend them! It’s a wonderful feature, and keeps us connected with our surgeon.
(11/6/23) Truly thought they made a big difference in my recovery.
(11/6/23) I liked the encouragement to keep going.
(11/6/23) The right messages came at just the right time. When I was feeling down the positive messages came. When I was feeling stiff & sore, the messages came telling me it was normal. All great messages!!
(11/6/23) Great messages, very useful.
(11/3/23) I think it’s great.
(11/3/23) The text messages were helpful and motivating.
(11/2/23) I was pleasantly surprised by them.
(11/1/23) More exercises! Keeping a positive outlook, encouragement, reminders for daily exercises!!
(11/1/23) I was satisfied with them all! Seemed to come at the right times!
(10/31/23) Looked forward to each one. They were encouraging and motivating.
(10/31/23) Thank you for this added touch of information and connection.
(10/31/23) Actually looked forward to the messages. They are very uplifting ❤️ 😊
(10/31/23) Keep them going.
(10/28/23) As a patient and retired PT I was very impressed. Well done and timely.
(10/27/23) I really appreciated the texts. It made me feel that the surgeon was dismissing me once the surgery was over.
(10/26/23) I looked forward to getting them.
(10/26/23) They were very helpful.
(10/25/23) It wonderful to receive daily message to know you are doing ok.
(10/25/23) These are excellent. Very helpful in my recovery. Great information and kept me motivated. Love these and what a great idea.
(10/25/23) Valuable for recovery. I wish I had this with other surgeries. It gives you confidence during the up and downs of recovery. Very helpful.
(10/25/23) They were so helpful in the progression.
(10/24/23) Very good job.
(10/24/23) Since patients usually don’t get one-on-one time with you, the texts add a bit more of a personal touch.
(10/24/23) I enjoyed getting the texts.
(10/24/23) Continue texting your patients with your out reach daily was a great help.
(10/24/23) Continue texting your patients with your out reach daily was a great help.
(10/23/23) It was so helpful to have the words of encouragement and know that how I was feeling was normal.
(10/23/23) The texts arrived at the most opportune times - if I was feeling down, the text came that addressed that as normal. A chuckle now and then and quizzes helped me focus on recovery. Encouraging me to keep pushing towards complete recovery was like having the Dr visit with me every day. So very, very helpful.
(10/23/23) The text are fantastic, what a great way to communicate with your patients.
(10/21/23) I appreciated feeling that my Dr was constantly in touch. There was always the option to learn more by texting a word or people to call when needed.
(10/20/23) Very helpful and informative for each stage of recovery. Very good exercises to consider along with PT.
(10/19/23) Helpful for referencing information after the fact—I could look back and review previous instructions.
(10/19/23) You preempted my questions.
(10/18/23) Every message was within the day or next day of my experiencing what the text was about! You’ve got it down pat!
(10/18/23) Very helpful. Let me know what my expectations should be.
(10/18/23) It was nice every day being encouraged and directed!!
(10/17/23) Excellent help.
(10/17/23) Good messages and yes they did help.
(10/17/23) It was a very helpful tool.
(10/17/23) I loved the extra support!
(10/13/23) Inspirational.
(10/12/23) Very timely!
(10/12/23) Great service.
(10/12/23) Every surgeon should offer the text messages. It answered all my questions without calling the office.
(10/11/23) I think it worked well. No concerns.
(10/11/23) Made me feel comfortable to know I had communication line open for help.
(10/10/23) Good idea. The info sent corresponded to my question timing.
(10/10/23) Keep it up!
(10/10/23) I can’t say how many times the messages were right on the mark as to what I was experiencing or a question I had.
(10/10/23) I liked the messages regarding where I should be in my recovery and the positive messages.
(10/9/23) I appreciated the streamed text messages very much.
(10/9/23) They were very helpful.
(10/9/23) Thanks, so helpful and encouraging.
(10/6/23) Keep up the good work.
(10/5/23) I loved the messages. I felt like I had my personal cheerleader helping through every step of the way. This recovery is hard and the messages helped keep me focused on the results and keep me from bogging down in the painful times.
(10/4/23) They always seemed to be on point with the stage I was in after surgery.
(10/2/23) Very informative and followed along with my healing process.
(10/1/23) Please continue to use this type of educational program. So beneficial.
(9/29/23) Very happy with them.
(9/28/23) Not a bad program to allow someone to know what to expect after surgery.
(9/28/23) The messages helped to keep me focus and encouraged. Thank you!!!
(9/28/23) It was like a best friend in my pocket.
(9/28/23) Excellent program.
(9/27/23) It was great!
(9/26/23) Keep sharing them.
(9/26/23) The text messages were very thorough and timely. I was very happy receiving each text which seemed to be in a timely manner.
(9/26/23) Very encouraging.
(9/26/23) Thank you for staying in contact.
(9/25/23) Great service. Great encouragement. Felt like a had a personal link to you.
(9/25/23) Everything was so timely, almost like he was standing right here and new what I was going thru or what was coming.
(9/25/23) Super fabulous idea.
(9/25/23) I thought text were most helpful kept me informed of where I should be compared to others.
(9/23/23) Loved them. Very helpful and made me feel like I was in constant contact with physician. What a great ideal. Told all my therapy people about it.
(9/22/23) The text messages were very helpful!
(9/21/23) I enjoyed getting the messages!!!
(9/21/23) Very helpful when questioning the process or recovery timeline.
(9/21/23) Found them very informative and also comforting after surgery. I have shared with many people how wonderful the texts were and I am grateful for having access to them. Helped with educating me regarding my exercises and how important they were and helped motivate me to keep on my path to recovery. I am very thankful for every one of them.
(9/20/23) I thought it was a great way to stay informed and it answered my questions.
(9/20/23) I looked forward to seeing them.
(9/20/23) Keep using it with patients.
(9/19/23) It was great knowing where I should be at different weeks after surgery.
(9/19/23) Helped a lot and made me feel I wasn’t alone.
(9/19/23) Very appreciative knowing that she cares about her patients. Other knees surgery patients from other doctors don’t get this. I feel it’s very important to the patients. Thanks for caring about us.
(9/18/23) Very helpful understanding the healing progression.
(9/18/23) Good information was great to get one each day.
(9/15/23) They are helpful.
(9/15/23) loved them. appreciated the variety and the motivation messages.
(9/15/23) Love them, makes a person feel like they didn’t fall through the cracks.
(9/14/23) Good reinforcement and encouragement.
(9/13/23) They were extremely helpful. I looked forward to them every day. They gave me inspiration on days that I needed it.
(9/13/23) Very helpful.
(9/13/23) Great way to stay closely connected to your patient throughout recovery. I loved it!
(9/12/23) Keep it up they were great.
(9/12/23) Great service and feature.
(9/12/23) It was great!
(9/12/23) Love it.
(9/11/23) Each concern was addressed when i needed it. I wish all doctors used it!
(9/11/23) Very helpful. Thanks!
(9/8/23) It was nice to have this contact and know I was I the right path.
(9/7/23) Helped very much!
(9/6/23) They were very useful and motivating.
(9/5/23) I looked forward to receiving then each day and the encouragement given.
(9/5/23) Thank you for being there.
(9/5/23) Very helpful and made me feel like I was on the doctor’s mind, even though the messages were automated.
(9/4/23) VERY helpful, informative, and motivating. The texts truly helped me throughout the entire process. BRAVO!
(9/4/23) Was very helpful. Seemed when I was going through different phases, I would receive a text in relation to what was occurring.
(9/4/23) Very helpful in the day to day experience and to stay on track.
(9/3/23) Above the crowd and very forward thinking.
(9/1/23) Love it. Very positive.
(9/1/23) Keep up the the good work.
(8/31/23) Thank you Loved everything.
(8/30/23) I looked forward to them every day.
(8/29/23) The text answered any questions that crossed my mind.
(8/29/23) It was nice. My previous experience with other doctors were that they were only conspired with you when you were in the office.
(8/29/23) The messages were awesome and came at the appropriate time!
(8/29/23) At times I got discouraged about my progress, instead of being overwhelmed with have far I still had to go I looked back at how far I had progressed and that kept me motivated.
(8/28/23) Your messaging program is good 👍 no need for change.
(8/28/23) I really like the text messaging system. I felt the information was given in a timely manner and let me know what to expect and gave me encouragement.
(8/27/23) I really liked it. Timing post surgery was off occasionally but not too off.
(8/27/23) Just that I enjoyed the daily text. Sometimes I wondered about something and then I would get a text and it would answer my question.
(8/26/23) I enjoyed them and looked forward to getting them.
(8/26/23) It seemed like they knew what I was experiencing because the message I’d receive was spot on! Exactly what I needed to hear at the time.
(8/26/23) Really helpful and encouraging.
(8/26/23) I appreciated them. The topics were very timely and allowed me to gauge if I was on track with my recovery and feelings.
(8/25/23) These messages were so helpful and reassuring. I believe they must save the surgeon many calls. I nursed for 42 years and looked forward to receiving these messages daily.
(8/25/23) Really enjoyed the texts.
(8/25/23) Well done. Easy to understand. Very informative. Thank you.
(8/25/23) It was the perfect topic on the right day, thank you.
(8/25/23) I loved the messages. They help you feel connected to the surgeon and his staff. It kept me motivated to do my exercises during recovery.
(8/24/23) It was nice to feel connected.
(8/24/23) Thank You for your help and support.
(8/24/23) Continue to over the messages, very helpful.
(8/23/23) I did like getting the daily messages. I even like the one time silly joke.
(8/23/23) It was comforting to hear from or be able to contact someone if needed.
(8/23/23) Made a huge difference in my recovery even though it was complicated. Gave me support.
(8/23/23) It helped me to understand what to expect though out the recovery.
(8/22/23) Continue the good work. I will sign up for text messages again for my 2nd knee.
(8/22/23) They certainly keep one from forgetting exercises or taking meds etc and do give one hope that the healing process is going as it should I looked forward to them.
(8/22/23) Thank you for the text messages! They were very helpful.
(8/22/23) They were helpful.
(8/21/23) Add a few more key words with automated answers. But overall, this was fun and made me feel you care enough to set this up.
(8/21/23) Really enjoyed it; so isolated going through this.
(8/21/23) I found the regular messages/reminders/tips informing and assuring - both things I feel are critical for someone recovering from surgery.
(8/20/23) This was a very helpful addition to the information already given by the navigation team.
(8/20/23) I am so glad I signed off for these text messages, they truly kept me motivated! I believe they help my progression in healing from my hip replacement surgery. And I looked forward to these daily text!
(8/19/23) They were awesome and helped keep me motivated!
(8/18/23) I think it’s great and liked being able to use the videos for doing my own PT at home.
(8/18/23) I really enjoyed getting the messages. They felt like personal encouragement and were very spot-on with the timing. It’s almost like you guys have done this a few times. Lol.
(8/18/23) They are very helpful in progressing along recovery and ect...
(8/18/23) Very helpful. Thank you.
(8/17/23) Good guide for recovery.
(8/17/23) I loved the balance between instructional texts, videos and inspirational texts.
(8/16/23) Everything was great.
(8/16/23) Excellent patient education both pre and post op.
(8/16/23) I loved and looked forward to receiving them.
(8/16/23) Keep up the great work!
(8/16/23) Very grateful for the daily information and encouragement. Good to know approximately where a person should be in the recovery process. These messages gave me an impression of a doctor who cares and doesn’t simply see another surgery in front of him but an actual person.
(8/14/23) I felt confident I could get through the recovery without having to speak with him.
(8/14/23) Thanks so much for this! I looked forward to these everyday. It really helped me with questions and answers.
(8/12/23) They are helpful and nice to have positive feedback along the way to encourage you!
(8/11/23) This was great!
(8/11/23) Messages seemed to be well timed. Some early concerns about bruising could have had more advice.
(8/11/23) These texts kept me informed, answered all my questions, gave me new exercises to do and reassured and encouraged me. They were a lifeline that I looked forward to seeing everyday.
(8/11/23) Loved this feature! Reduced anxiety about if all was going ok. I’m sure it reduces calls to the office as well. Very informative.
(8/10/23) Messages were very helpful in maintaining my commitment to attaining a full recovery.
(8/10/23) It was helpful!
(8/10/23) Great idea and very helpful.
(8/9/23) Appreciated all of it.
(8/9/23) The messages were good motivators. They made me feel connected to my care team. I liked knowing that my progress was on target. The exercises were in line with my physical therapy.
(8/9/23) Great idea and thank you!
(8/7/23) It was informative and I’m sure answered questions before you could call in with what was normal for that point in time.
(8/7/23) I really found the messages informative and very uplifting . I felt like a person not another knee surgery to my doctor.
(8/7/23) Thankful for interaction. Great practice. Pls continue. You may want to chat with someone fresh off surgery to assist with needs.
(8/6/23) Very helpful and on point with regard to the progression of healing from surgery.
(8/6/23) The text messages were very helpful in understanding the symptoms and recovery process.
(8/5/23) It was helpful getting reminders in bits and pieces as you are ready for them. It can be overwhelming the information you receive at doctor visits or on the surgical day so the texts were appreciated. The exercise videos were great. I have share your joke with a few friends:)
(8/4/23) As I traveled to get my surgery, these messages were a lifesaver!
(8/4/23) Very timely information. Really helpful.
(8/4/23) I benefited from exercise suggestions and where to turn in unused meds.
(8/3/23) Esp helpful to know I was on track w expected outcomes.
(8/3/23) The daily messages are both informative and encouraging.
(8/3/23) The messages were very helpful to me and my recovery. Even though I couldn’t do all of the exercises due to health issues, it helped encourage me to keep trying and do what I could. They helped me understand where I should be in the healing process. They also answered questions about incision, driving etc. I was very impressed by the help and reminders that I received each day. Great resource to keep me on track.
(8/2/23) Love them.
(8/2/23) I thought it was a good idea, but a call to check personally on your patient feels still will feel more personal. This does help!
(8/1/23) I really liked the daily contact and suggestions. Felt more connected to medical assistance after my surgery.
(8/1/23) Very helpful! Feels like I’m going through the recovery alone.
(7/31/23) This was a good idea because everyone is always on their phone now.
(7/29/23) It was an encouraging and very informative.
(7/29/23) It was interesting how each morning or afternoon it was like they were reading my mind. There was an answer to a question I had had earlier.
(7/29/23) Very supportive and timely for how I was feeling.
(7/28/23) They make you feel like you are right there with the patient.
(7/28/23) I really like the emails that gave you an idea what typical progress was like.
(7/28/23) I was so glad I signed up for the text messages. It helped with setting expectations and all information was timely based on my surgery and very informative. I looked forward to receiving the information.
(7/28/23) It was helpful in keeping steady contact with Dr. * even though it’s a text program. I felt these texts showed an interest in my recovery and the encouraging tone was appreciated.
(7/25/23) They gave me assurance that all was okay.
(7/27/23) I loved getting them. They gave me assurance that what I was experiencing was normal and I didn’t have to question or worry that something was wrong.
(7/27/23) I like the videos . If you are not sure you are doing an exercise correctly the videos are great.
(7/25/23) I thought it was just nice to have your message everyday. Some days were pretty painful and I found all you suggested hints help me feel like the dot was right there.
(7/25/23) Loved the texts!
(7/25/23) Messages were timely, helpful and supportive. Great addition to a recovery plan.
(7/25/23) Loved them. Motivated and answered questions.
(7/25/23) Nice to know on your progress.
(7/24/23) They were very valuable for my recovery.
(7/24/23) The texts are extremely informative and answered almost all my questions. It saved at least two phone calls to my surgeon.
(7/24/23) I appreciated the accuracy and timing of the texts, especially the first two weeks where many inquiries were answered.
(7/22/23) I looked forward to the texts.
(7/22/23) Encourage patients to utilize service, it such a much needed positive experience for patients! Thank You!
(7/22/23) Great mind reading tech ! Motivational and it helped me know I was on track with my recovery . The jokes were kinda fun to , we tend to get to serious when we struggle .😊
(7/21/23) Generally improved my recovery, reduced worry, and answered at just the right time.
(7/21/23) I really appreciated the daily texts and the videos. It felt like he was talking directly to me. In comparison to my brother who had TKA a couple years before me and had a horrible and painful post-op experience, I felt very well taken care of after my surgery through the informative texts and PT starting the very next morning. These would be right on target when talking about what stage we are going through post-op and encouraged us to call his office if ever needed.
(7/21/23) The feedback was very helping and eased my mind during this stressful time of recovery. Thank you!
(7/20/23) It helped me very much!!
(7/20/23) I prefer to be able to email with questions. 90% of the time the texts were not relevant to what was happening with me.
(7/20/23) Texts are very helpful
(7/20/23) It was a great mix of encouragement to continue rehabilitating exercises, answers to common concerns post surgery, and good information. I look forward to receiving the messages each day.
(7/19/23) They were very helpful and timely!
(7/19/23) They helped a great deal. Answered questions and kept me on track for my recovery. Would use it again and recommend it to others.
(7/19/23) Best communication system with patient, caregiver & doctor and his team.
(7/19/23) Messages were very helpful!
(7/18/23) They always made me feel I was on track or ahead which was reassuring.
(7/18/23) It was very helpful The timing was right on point!
(7/18/23) Love getting the messages. Encouraging.
(7/18/23) That they were very helpful.
(7/18/23) I enjoyed getting the messages.
(7/17/23) Great way to stay “connected” through a challenging life event.
(7/17/23) They were really helpful and positive. On days when you felt down or frustrated, the messages were a real help.
(7/17/23) This was a fantastic way of answering my questions, and making me feel very good for the day. I enjoyed each one of these messages which helped me a lot. Thank you so much!
(7/17/23) Great system. Answered questions on the exact day I was wondering about the issue. You all nailed it!!
(7/16/23) The texts were not appropriate for my particular surgery. They made me feel inadequate and depressed. Some were wrong. Glad I have a good relationship with the team.
(7/16/23) The topics of the texts seemed to arrive at the exact moment I was wondering about the issue.
(7/16/23) A great tool for patients. Really helped me not to have to call/text you with questions. It made me feel more connected and cared about even though the messages really weren’t directly from you. Replacement is a huge surgery and it’s important to get as much info as possible afterwards to know you’re staying on track. Especially since contact time with your doctor is minimal and most of the time it’s an outpatient procedure.
(7/15/23) They provided not only helpful ideas to get stronger, but, motivational messages and words of encouragement, some were at just the right time for me. I highly recommend everyone who is having a hip replacement to sign up for this. I look forward to receiving them. Thank you!
(7/14/23) Loved receiving the messages.
(7/14/23) An excellent way to keep informed as rehab progresses.
(7/14/23) The messages were right on target in where I am in each stage of my recovery.
(7/14/23) Very helpful! Looked forward to the texts. Were appropriate for each phase of recovery and what I was questioning at that time!
(7/14/23) I felt that the several text messages per day prior to the surgery to be helpful information but added more anxiety for me as in I would here it come in on my phone and I would start feeling stressed about what I had to do now. But again thats just me.
(7/13/23) Good info, and came at the right time. Gave a good baseline of what to expect throughout the recovery period.
(7/13/23) I didn’t have them with my first replacement & felt they were a huge plus. AND, the joke was a nice change. I even got a thumbs up to my text Cute. Never expected that to happen! At the same time., some info conflicted with pre-op & post-op booklets we received. A few left me wondering which way to go especially during first few weeks which were a bit dicey for me.
(7/13/23) Informative & Encouraging
(7/13/23) The messages seemed to address topics I was thinking of.
(7/13/23) Messages were insightful and encouraging.
May be helpful to have some more messages advising patients to not rush their recovery but instead focus on their exercises. I was feeling so much better that I think I may have done a bit much a few days.
(7/12/23) A great big thank you!
(7/12/23) Made me feel more at ease getting those texts everyday!
(7/12/23) I enjoyed receiving the information and encouragement.
(7/12/23) The text messages helped me so much! Every step of the way I felt more at ease. The experience was wonderful!
(7/12/23) Every surgeon should have this it is very helpful thank you.
(7/12/23) Loved them and all right on target.
(7/11/23) It was super helpful having exercise the videos for getting the form right and motivational knowing that others understand what your going through and what’s normal.
(7/11/23) This is a great addition to the healing process. The messages were positive, motivational and informative.
(7/8/23) I love getting the texts. It has been so helpful.
(7/7/23) They were very reassuring and encouraging, thanks!
(7/7/23) Excellent Program.
(7/6/23) This helped me so much. A lot of the messages were perfectly timed as to what I was thinking and/or feeling. The messages were reassuring. Great asset!
(7/6/23) The texts were all sent at appropriate times in my recovery! They answered the questions I needed answers to! Extremely helpful.
(7/6/23) The messages were very timely and coordinated extremely well with my recovery. They were highly motivating and seemed to come exactly when I needed an emotional boost or had a question about goals in my recovery. I never felt a need to call the office.
(7/5/23) I love them! Thank you! Well spaced and timed. I got answers to questions as I was having them. It helped me know that certain things were typical an expected, which reduce my anxiety. They’re also very friendly!
(7/5/23) The text messages are reassuring and also a reminder to keep up the exercises every day- I liked that.
(7/5/23) Felt these messages, added a more personal touch to my recovery. We’re always encouraging and always seem to come at the right time.
(7/5/23) I loved the text messages, they seemed to anticipate my questions before I could ask them. Very encouraging, also.
(7/5/25) Very informative and motivational!
(7/5/23)I felt a more ‘personal connection’ with the staff due to the text messages.
(7/4/23) The messages were so insightful and timed perfectly to answer questions that I had. Fabulous idea.
(7/3/23) I felt connected with the office every day.
(7/1/23) Informative & Timely!
(6/30/23) These messages were very important to keep me positive and moving forward when I didn’t have much energy, especially in the first 4 weeks.
(6/29/23) The texts are excellent for patient education and support.
(6/28/23) The PT and home-care team did a fab job timing the messages to the realities of real-world recovery. A decided plus.
(6/27/23) I really enjoyed the trivia questions!! Add more!
(6/27/23) Very encouraging and nice to get positive reinforcement every day!
(6/26/23) Keep it up. The positive, encouraging messages were very helpful.
(6/26/23) It makes you feel like you have a connection to his staff
(6/23/23) Continue the texts. Very positive in feeling there’s a connection plus good tips. Friends I’ve told about the texts have been impressed by their content and frequency.
(6/23/23) I really liked how they pertained to exactly where I was in my recovery! I liked the praise and encouragement also!
(6/23/23) These text messages were very unexpected initially but over time very welcome to read them. It was as if you were seeing me every day and knew how to help me!!! ;-)
(6/23/23) Found very helpful to set expectations and get reminders to stay focused.
(6/22/23) I really appreciated them and they seemed coincide with my recovery well.
(6/22/23) A heartfelt “Thank you”.
(6/22/23) It made me feel as if I had a growing relationship with Dr. * and his team. The messages were spot on to each stage of my recovery.
(6/22/23) I’m very happy to have the support.
(6/22/23) Messages kept me “on task” with my recovery that I was progressing normally or as expected.
(6/22/23) Great idea. Really helped me with making progress after surgery.
(6/21/23) The text messages answered issues I was wondering about and helped me realize that what I was experiencing was normal.
(6/21/23) Keep it. I can’t wait to start again when I get my second surgery done. It would be nice if there was a place where we could ask specific questions and get answers from the surgeon instead of the standard one.
(6/21/23) Very worthwhile!
(6/19/23) Enjoyed and appreciated the communication.
(6/19/23) It was great. Answered questions before I could ask.
(6/18/23) Was great. My Sister who helped me the first week was very impressed with the texting.
(6/18/23) It was all good and informative and easy to understand especially for non-medical oriented patients.
(6/17/23) I enjoyed the messages and thought the content matched my recovery process well.
(6/17/23) I think it’s a great idea. I had much bruising on my leg and was wondering if this was right. That day I received a text about having a tourniquet placed which would cause the bruising. I did not need to call the office and it eased my anxiety.
(6/16/23) At first I thought it was alot, but as time went on there was lots of useful information, like where I should be at physically, and exercise videos.
(6/16/23) I was amazed at how closely the messages matched my rate of recovery.
(6/16/23) They were awesome.
(6/15/23) They were very helpful, insightful and right on the money.
(6/15/23) It was great, very helpful!!
(6/14/23) They were helpful, informative and motivating!
(6/14/23) Thank you so much.
(6/14/23) Awesome. They really helped.
(6/13/23) Found it very useful!
(6/13/23) Very encouraging.
(6/12/23) Was very informative and proactively answered questions I had.
(6/12/23) They answered some general questions.
(6/12/23) Overall great addition to the patient experience!
(6/12/23) Keep up the good work!
(6/9/23) This was a great service.
(6/11/23) I think they provide incredible support to patients recovering from any type of surgery.
(6/11/23) Thank you for providing this service.
(6/9/23) These are a great help, thank you.
(6/9/23) Very informative & seemed to come @ appropriate time of healing.
(6/9/23) Everything was good!
(6/9/23) Great job very accurate, supportive and appropriate for post treatment.
(6/9/23) These messages were spot on, answering questions as they arrived in the timeline after surgery so I didn’t have to call the office.
(6/8/23) It was very good and helped me alot.
(6/8/23) I enjoy and look forward to the messages. They are inspirational and help me know that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.
(6/8/23) Helped keep me on track with exercises.
(6/8/23) Very positive. Looked forward to the daily messages. Loved his one joke!
(6/8/23) Great program. Keep it up!
(6/8/23) I was glad to have them!
(6/8/23) Liked the exercise and the reports from previous clients.
(6/6/23) They helped me through the recovery process and were very informative and motivational.
(6/6/23) These were very helpful particularly ones on where I should be at a point in time.
(6/5/23) Enjoyed receiving these reminders and pick me ups.
(6/5/23) The text messages are an awesome way to keep the patient motivated after surgery. They are very motivational, inspirational and proactive for recovery after surgery. It is definitely a way to connect to Dr. Della Valle on a daily basis, and almost feels that he is part of the recovery process. This was my second hip replacement in one year in the text message never got old.
(6/5/23) It was great having daily communication so you don’t feel out there - alone.
(6/5/23) Thank you!
(6/5/23) The messages are educational and inspirational!
(6/4/23) Helped to stay positive
(6/4/23) Appreciate messages!
(6/4/23) Very informative. Let’s you gauge your progress and when to call if certain conditions are present.
(6/3/23) Loved it! Very helpful.
(6/3/23) I think the texts kept me focused on what needed to be done.
(6/2/23) Thank you. It was helpful to know daily what I should be able to do.
(6/2/23) The messages are awesome and relieve any anxiety!
(6/2/23) Made me feel less concerned about and calmed any concerns I might have had.
(6/2/23) Excellent. Almost like you read my mind. About the time I had a question or concern, the text message answered it. 👍🏼
(6/2/23) I really like this, this is the first time I experienced text messages. Very helpful.
(6/2/23) Very happy and thankful.
(6/1/23) Great idea and it really made me feel a more personalized connection.
(6/1/23) Loved it, terrific information!
(5/31/23) I looked forward to every one. Really liked the joke.
(5/31/23) They kept me sane and motivated.
(5/31/23) Very happy with them and did share with my therapist.
(5/30/23) It was very informative and helpful.
(5/30/23) Very helpful and encouraging.
(5/30/23) These messages are extremely helpful and give a peace of mind on recovery.
(5/29/23) The messages were helpful and I liked that I could refer back to them.
(5/29/23) Very happy to have them!!
(5/29/23) Kept me from having to call the doctor or his staff. Let me know that I was “on track” with my recovery.
(5/29/23) Don’t stop doing it. Very helpful!
(5/26/23) Very upbeat and helpful.
(5/26/23) Thank you so much for the messages. I appreciated the daily messages and looked forward to them.
(5/25/23) I love them!
(5/25/23) Thanks! They were helpful.
(5/25/23) I LOVED this service!!!
(5/24/23) I sincerely appreciated receiving the text messages. I found the messages to be informative, inspiring, and very supportive to my progress. Also, the timeliness of the messages at times seemed to have read my mind. 😊
(5/24/23) The messages were all most like you were reading my mind.
(5/24/23) I appreciated all the tips, information and encouragement.
(5/24/23) When I’d feel down they picked me up.
(5/24/23) They were informative and provided answers to questions I would have called into the office.
(5/24/23) I’m 6 weeks post surgery, and so far I’ve been doing well. I’m trying to be patient with my recovery. Trying not to overdo it. The text and feedback have been incredibly encouraging.
(5/24/23) It help keep me on track and I was always able to look back at the messages.
(5/23/23) Messages were generally great and well-timed to what I was feeling or concerned about.
(5/23/23) I especially liked the videos of exercise.
(5/23/23) The messages are a great way to stay in touch with patients. For me, it made me feel like someone was easily accessible if needed. The messages were a reassurance.
(5/23/23) These messages are very innovative for post op care and instructions.
(5/23/23) It was good and generally appreciated.
(5/23/23) Enjoyed getting them.
(5/23/23) The messages were very comforting and I felt I was not abandoned after surgery until the first check up and dismissal appointment. There was always that feeling of connection and guidance. Thank you.
(5/22/23) Looked forward to them and the timing interface with recovery progression was greatly appreciated. Also, the balance of “whoa and go”, and the supportive statements were excellent! Since I’m from the era when physicians made house calls...this is really the next best thing to them “being there”.
(5/22/23) I think STREAMD text are a fabulous idea that helps. You realize the things that are going on at the time with your name.
(5/22/23) As strange as this may sound, I looked forward to getting a text message daily. Most of the time it was exactly what I needed, or what I was going through. Being a widow, whose children live out of state, it was nice to get a daily thought, an exercise, or just a check-in. Thank you for making these texts available.
(5/21/23) They were helpful!
(5/21/23) It felt personal & accurate on what I was going through.
(5/20/23) It was very beneficial!
(5/19/23) Thank you for the texts. They were very motivating for me.
(5/19/23) I enjoyed the pep talks and the information.
(5/18/23) Great addition to the healing journey!
(5/18/23) Excellent service!
(5/17/23) These text were extremely helpful. The text were often received at a time when I needed a boost. They were very helpful.
(5/17/23) I think you did a wonderful job!!! Thank you.
(5/17/23) This was an excellent tool. One of several key items that had me switching to a different Dr and calling for a second opinion.
(5/16/23) It was like the Dr. was my cheerleader!
(5/16/23) I loved them!
(5/16/23) The messages were helpful, informed Me as what to expect, surprisingly They were accurate as what to expect , and were My progress should be at . Some of the messages helped Me to feel more upbeat. Thank you , these text messages were great.
(5/16/23) Very helpful and informative.
(5/16/23) Excellent support, answered questions and progress milestones were very helpful.
(5/16/23) This is a wonderful, helpful healing tool.
(5/16/23) Very helpful and reassuring.
(5/16/23) It was great!
(5/15/23) Continue with these texts.
(5/15/23) Keep it up ; it was awesome; gave me confidence that I was doing everything correctly.
(5/15/23) Very nice added personal touch to aftercare.
(5/15/23) I think it is wonderful information and encouragement to your patients.
(5/13/23) This is a great system especially to build confidence in the process. It seems that if I was a little discouraged, I would get a text about keeping positive. So then I would feel better immediately.
(5/12/23) Excellent idea!
(5/12/23) I was able to gauge my progress through these messages.
(5/12/23) Excellent idea!
(5/12/23) The daily text messages are excellent. They helped me emotionally, physically and spiritually. They also encouraged me to not give up.
(5/12/23) Feel more comfortable with having info available.
(5/12/23) These texts were a vital part of my healing process.
(5/12/23) Made me feel supported.
(5/11/23) They were helpful and encouraging. They were spot on the way I was feeling. It was like he knew what I was thinking and feeling at that point in my recovery.
(5/11/23) I loved the videos showing me exactly how to rehab. I also liked the addition of humor (jokes) and facts. Many days I would be wondering how I should be progressing- the messages were great for this.
(5/11/23) Nice job!
(5/11/23) Glad to receive them.
(5/11/23) These kept me on track in my recovery. ALL the way to the end!!
(5/10/23) Great communication of what to expect.
(5/10/23) I really appreciated receiving these messages.
(5/10/23) Strongly encourage patients to look at the daily texts. All patients will benefit from these reminders and suggestions. You only see your medical staff a couple times after surgery. This program gives you the sense that they Are Aware of what you’re going through all post op period.
(5/9/23) Loved them. So helpful in knowing what is normal, what to expect etc.
(5/9/23) I thought it was great. I felt like I was talking to the dr everyday. Was very comfortable with the text.
(5/8/23) I found the text messages very helpful. Many times if there was a change in recovery the text message addressed the change. The encouragement to keep going is helpful too.
(5/6/23) Helped me to stay on the right path.
(5/6/23) When I did have a question the text came just when I needed some questions answered.
(5/6/23) A great idea, it was very helpful in my healing!
(5/5/23) It was great!
(5/4/23) I appreciated receiving updates on the progression of exercises.
(5/4/23) Very good idea. Made me feel like I mattered.
(5/4/23) They have helped me with different exercises!
(5/4/23) They were helpful in complementing physical therapy.
(5/3/23) Basically Thank You!!
(5/3/23) Nice addition to care!
(5/3/23) I thought they were perfect, I looked forward to seeing them.
(5/3/23) It was helpful and felt like a personal touch.
(5/2/23) I loved them helped me every much.
(5/2/23) I have loved this service. I know it’s automated but it did make me feel cared for and closer to Dr *. It’s obvious that a lot of research and care went into creating it, because every message was exactly what I needed if I was discouraged, or sparked me to action if I was feeling low. And the uncanny timing of some of the messages with regard to how relevant they were was not just useful but also simply delightful.
(5/2/23) That they really helped to lift my mood on those days when I was struggling with my recovery. Many times it seemed that right as I was having a bad day it was then that a message would arrive and I would feel better.
(5/2/23) Keep up what your doing!
(5/1/23) Worked very well for me!
(4/28/23) I appreciated them very much.
(4/28/23) While it did not make me feel this was a one to one recovery it was very helpful and made me feel I was not in this alone. It gave me a program to follow and what to expect each day and I found it to be very helpful and to do this myself in my own home was extremely nice.
(4/27/23) Enjoyed receiving the messages. They were always timely.
(4/27/23) I liked it because it made me feel like my doctor was on the journey to recovery with me.
(4/27/23) It was like it almost read my mind! Often I would have a question and within a few minutes a text would come with the answer!!!
(4/27/23) They helped keep me on track with recovery and exercises.
(4/26/23) Love them!
(4/26/23) Excellent, encouraging information.
(4/25/23) I found the messages very helpful especially in the first 3 weeks. Reassurance about pain as normal, how to begin to wean off meds were helpful.
(4/24/23) I truly believe that the text messages helped with the healing process. I knew what to expect each day and week throughout process.
(4/24/23) Text messages was helpful in keeping me updated on my recovery journey.
(4/24/23) They were wonderful and very helpful.
(4/24/23) Excellent! Timeliness reduced anxiety re doing something incorrectly, eg, when to drink fluids and/or bathing just prior to surgery.
(4/22/23) Personally, they were a great help to me.
(4/22/23) I throughly enjoyed the text messaging program. It was very helpful, informative, encouraging. Outstanding! Thank you!
(4/20/23) Thank you and they were very helpful in my recovery.
(4/20/23) They were very helpful. Even though I had home therapy, the therapist was right on track with the suggested exercises and I knew what I should be doing.
(4/19/23) I felt connected and cared for.
(4/18/23) The daily text messages were so spot on and very motivating. Best help ever.
(4/18/23) I found them very helpful.
(4/17/23) It is an amazing service so never stop them.
(4/14/23) The text messages often answered exactly what I had on my mind at the time. The positivity of the messages truly did help.
(4/14/23) Loved the texts!
(4/14/23) The messages I got were great and has helped me to recover from the surgery. This was a great program for patients, and it’s true do the exercises daily and you will improve sooner!!!
(4/13/23) Keep offering them. Made me feel very supported.
(4/13/23) Love the texts.. When I was feeling very low, I’d get a message to keep my chin up..I looked forward to them. Thank you very much!
(4/13/23) The videos were really helpful to make sure I was doing the exercises with good form.
(4/12/23) Keep up the good work! Was as pleased as a knee replacement recipient could be!
(4/12/23) Helped me stay positive.
(4/11/23) Messages helped get you through difficult times.
Recall giving myself a pep talk when I received a message on motivation.
(4/10/23) Context of messages was always relevant to my point in recovery process.
(4/10/23) Excellent program and would encourage continued use.
(4/10/23) Thank you, Thank you!!
(4/10/23) The positive encouragement makes a big difference, thank you!
(4/10/23) Messages were great.
(4/8/23) I thought it was very effective for outpatient surgery and at home recovery. There wasn’t anything that I experienced in a previous hip replacement with 4 day hospitalization, 10 day rehab, and 6- week PT that wasn’t covered in my 6-week recovery at home! Much more pleasurable and cost effective!
(4/7/23) Thank you for this service!!!
(4/7/23) Love the exercise videos!
(4/7/23) Thank you for the service!
(4/7/23) It was as if I saw you every day!
(4/7/23) I’m very happy with the outcome of my surgery. The messages gave me new ideas for my workout on the days I didn’t go to therapy.
(4/6/23) It was great. When I received a message it would remind me to do things or I would talk with my husband and friends about my thoughts and responses.
(4/6/23) I loved receiving these messages. it made me feel more connected. It really did help me when I had questions.
(4/6/23) Messages were much appreciated and encouraging. Very timely - pertinent to what was going on in my recovery.
(4/6/23) Great tool - links are helpful!
(4/6/23) Keep up the good work.
(4/6/23) I read them all and shared many with therapist.
(4/5/23) Very helpful. Timing is right on.
(4/5/23) It has been a really great personal touch, especially because this recovery has been tough.
(4/5/23) Thank you, it helped.
(4/4/23) Keep up the good work.
(4/4/23) These messages were so helpful and encouraging. I was telling a nurse friend of mine about them, and she said she wished all surgeons would do this. I’m very thankful for this service.
(4/4/23) Great service!!
(4/4/23) It was very innovative and the timing of the messages were spot on.
(4/3/23) Very informative, unique approach.
(4/3/23) They really helped me navigate the post surgery and recovery and kept me encouraged.
(4/3/23) I really appreciate the information and encouragement. I couldn’t be more satisfied with my surgery, recovery and outcome!
(4/3/23) I loved them. Gave me confidence that I was doing the right exercises and doing good!
(4/2/23) Excellent help and appreciated the contact.
(4/2/23) Everything was fine and it was comfortable questions so I don’t have no complain about anything.
(3/31/23) Love it & very helpful 👍
(3/31/23) The text messages were wonderful. It made this journey easier to understand. They were spot on and some days eerie since I was feeling the way the text message said. I looked forward to them.
(3/31/23) Everything was fine and it was comfortable questions so I don’t have no complain about anything.
(3/30/23) Very helpful! A great personal touch in staying connected DAILY- it’s a long road and this helps immensely in feeling cared for day after day.
(3/30/23) It was helpful knowing that my surgeon and care team were able to give me encouragement , support, and reminders.
(3/29/23) The messages were a great help in letting me know what was normal after my surgery.
(3/29/23) Loved them, very helpful, sometimes entertaining and reassuring.
(3/29/23) Very good content appropriate to my stage of recovery. Comforting to maintain that connection with my doctor after I went home.
(3/28/23) It’s very helpful during recovery time.
(3/28/23) Very helpful; especially when you can text things you want more information about.
(3/28/23) Very helpful, positive messages.
(3/26/23) Loved the messages!
(3/23/23) I think it’s an awesome idea and I’m impressed as well as any of my friends I’ve told about them.
(3/23/23) The messages were also very helpful for the caregiver as well as the patient.
(3/22/23) Thanks so much for the messages they helped a lot.
(3/22/23) These were very helpful. Thank you for them together.
(3/22/23) I enjoyed receiving the messages as they seemed to answer questions I might be having at that time regarding if things I was experiencing were normal and then I felt reassured.
(3/22/23) It’s been wonderful and informative. I will miss getting them.
(3/22/23) I looked forward to every message and aligned my thoughts to them!
(3/21/23) It really helped to keep me on track and no question what I should be able to do.
(3/20/23) Very informative very helpful the depression is so real so just to know it was normal to feel so down and it felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel really helped.
(3/20/23) Great feature. I have talked to others who do not get this from their surgeon and they wish they were getting the information and encouragement.
(3/20/23) Very helpful to gauge where i was in recovery compsred to the average.
(3/20/23) Thank you so much for providing these texts !! These were all very helpful!
(3/19/23) I love the positive messages. More of the encouraging boosts would be great! I was actually disappointed if I had a day where I didn’t receive a text. Loved the texts! They seem to come right at the perfect time.
(3/19/23) I like the movies. Helps me to get started!
(3/17/23) I thought the messages were pertinent.
(3/16/23) Thank you for sending these
I will miss receiving them
Provided great info and made me feel more a team w doctor.
(3/14/23) The surgeon who did my first knee just gave me his cell phone number and that of his MA. That felt much more personal.
(3/14/23) The texts were a big help, offering timely tips, reminders, and encouragement. I enjoyed receiving them.
(3/14/23) The text program is outstanding! Especially the week or two before and after surgery. So many times I would read a text and think, OMG, they know exactly what I am feeling and thinking. I have raved about the text program to others contemplating this operation and looking for their surgeon.
(3/13/23) Very nice touch in delivering pick me up texts I looked forward to the ideas and comments.
(3/13/23) I appreciated the text info for little reminders and saved a phone call or two. I appreciated it.
(3/11/23) This was extremely helpful not only with information but inspiration. Most questions and concerns were answered just at the right time. Thank you for providing this!
(3/10/23) It was wonderful!
(3/10/23) I loved the daily text messages! They always kept me in the loop telling me how I should be doing. I never felt alone in my recuperation. Plus, I liked the fact you could text a one word concern and get feedback immediately.
(3/9/23) Beneficial because they were timely. They seem to relate to me personally, even though they were group text.
(3/9/23) I looked forward to it and will miss it.
(3/9/23) Loved them. Also enjoyed sharing w/my support team.
(3/8/23) The messages were right on target with my recovery and related progress.
(3/8/23) It was informative and helped answer so many questions that popped up during my recovery time.
(3/8/23) Helpful and looked forward to the daily texts.
(3/7/23) I didn’t have this 6 months ago for the left replacement. I absolutely loved this added feature for the right replacement! It was very I formative and helpful.
(3/7/23) I felt that the clinic wanted to establish a connection with my recovery. It was encouraging to see the projected progress expectations and my gradual improvement to meet those goals.
(3/7/23) Loved them. I welcomed them daily, especially ones that shared new exercises or let me know that I was on track with recovery.
(3/6/23) I liked having the reminders and a way to measure my progress as I recovered.
(3/6/23) Overall satisfaction and will miss the text messages. Looked forward to receiving them even though some didn’t apply. They helped brighten the day.
(3/5/23) Thanks for the great service and my healing was very fast.
(3/4/23) was very nice being informed after surgery.
(3/4/23) Love it!! Keep it up. It is unique and helpful in knowing where you are with your progress.
(3/4/23) These were awesome. Very motivating and they made me feel well cared for.
(3/4/23) Well done! Great idea! Great service!
(3/4/23) I was surprised to get messages regularly from my surgeon. It made me feel he cared about his patients recovery.
(3/3/23) Fabulous! Impressive, Slick, Responsive,Fun though I have only received 1 joke so far. Well worth your time and effort to put this together. Cutting edge!
(3/3/23) I find the messages helpful and informative.
(3/3/23) The messages, even though I knew they were part of a preset stream, made me feel like I wasn’t just a statistic.
(3/2/23) Keep up the great job!
(3/2/23) They kept me “on track” every day.
(3/2/23) I thought messages were good snd some very encouraging.
(3/1/23) They were very helpful and I looked forward to receiving them. They seemed to always answer what I needed to hear.
(2/28/23) The text messages were very helpful and I looked forward to them every day. I felt I was way ahead of some of them (getting rid of cane, driving). I loved the exercise videos and personal videos.
(2/27/23) They were helpful and encouraging!
(2/26/23) Text messages helped me track my recovering journey. I was made aware of what to expect every step. As a result I didn’t had to call my surgeon for anything thus allowing me to focus on my recovery.
(2/26/23) Great tool to guide us from surgery prep through post op recovery. Especially the first week which is the toughest . Have utilized all messages and most videos.
(2/26/23) The messages felt very warm and reassuring, even though they were not written for me personally.
(2/25/23) It’s nice to feel cared.
(2/25/23) This is an amazing feature. I actually looked forward to getting them. It felt like my personal team checking on me daily. Sometimes multiple times. Since this was my first knee surgery, it reassured me that what I was feeling was normal. The links to the exercise allowed for me to ensure that I was doing what I needed to do. Although I realize that this is a scripted system, it felt very personal. Even the simple message that the team was proud if my progress was very supportive. It was important to me that I was safe and had access to the team and this feature met all my needs. I have been talking about your services and have several friends and family member considering to have their procedure with this team. Keep up the awesome work.
(2/25/23) Very Informative.
(2/24/23) Thank you for the daily messages encouragement and Exercises this really made a difference in many Aspects of my Recovery.
(2/24/23) I genuinely enjoyed the text messages and they definitely helped my fast recovery!
(2/24/23) Extremely helpful.
(2/23/23) Don’t ever change it.
I swear some were right on. 😂
Even how I was feeling. I really have enjoyed them. ❤️
(2/22/23) Messages are great.
(2/22/23) These were a terrific help - the timing and information included we exactly right for answering questions about recovery progress.
(2/21/23) often it answered questions when i was thinking about the topic.
(2/21/23) Very on point in my situation.
(2/20/23) Great idea to keep patients informed.
(2/19/23) Continue with future patients.
(2/19/23) Great Messages.
(2/18/23) Excellent tool. Kept me on track. A check list, similar to the one I used to keep track of my daily meds would have been help. It would have made it easier to ensure I was completing the daily exercises.
(2/18/23) The messages were timely and encouraging at the different stages of recovery. There were a few times when the message reminded me of something that I had forgotten or that what I was feeling or able to do at a particular time was normal and I appreciated that. I really liked the videos that added exercises to the ones given in the hip replacement book we were given prior to surgery. It was like being given free physical therapy lessons.
(2/18/23) It was very welll thought out out out and excellently executed. I’m a big fan of logistics and found it to be quite admirable.
(2/18/23) Kept me on task to succeed in PT.
(2/17/23) Informative and very helpful.
(2/17/23) I loved them!!! Visual with exercises were appreciated.
(2/16/23) Helped feeling connected to medical professionals.
(2/16/23) They were on point! Timely and relevant.
(2/16/23) This is a wonderful tool and answers questions as I was recovering from my hip replacement! It was spot on during this entire process!
(2/16/23) The text messages were extremely helpful! I’m going to miss receiving them. I think the text messages differentiate you from other practices which is extremely important especially from a customer/patient experience. I’m very impressed with the experience the text messages and your office provided! Thank you!
(2/16/23) This is incredibly helpful and motivating.
(2/16/23) Awesome stuff!
(2/15/23) Really cool thing.
(2/14/23) Keep offering it!
(2/14/23) They provided positive messages during recovery.
(2/14/23) Great idea, and worked perfectly for me.
(2/14/23) Felt that my surgeon was on this journey with me
(2/11/23) This was amazing. I really appreciated the text. I really felt cared for.
(2/9/23) Its a good source of information and encouragement.
(2/9/23) They were consistent with each step of my healing process.
(2/9/23) It is a great resource.
(2/8/23) They helped me tremendously. Felt connected.
(2/8/23) Thank you so much for the encouragement and the videos on how to do the exercises. This has been a great blessing for before and after the surgery. Thank you so much!
(2/7/23) Very helpful messages in assisting with recovery.
(2/7/23) I love it. It makes me feel like I’m being encouraged and I can monitor my progress against the messages.
(2/7/23) I enjoyed hearing about how I was feeling or how I should be feeling.
(2/4/23) I really enjoyed the messages every day. I felt like the Dr. was checking in with me every day.
(2/3/23) Helpful and fun to receive.
(2/3/23) Excellent program. Very useful in monitoring the progress.
(2/3/23) Messages were helpful and encouraging. They were a nice surprise!
(2/3/23) Keep it going. Every text was spot on with recovery timing.
(2/3/23) It was very detailed which worked out very well for me.
(2/3/23) They are amazing! There were times where I was feeling down, or questioning my recovery. It seemed that same day, a text would come to explain why I was feeling that way and how it is normal. Telling me where my progress should be, and all the positive reinforcement from the texts provided such an uplifting atmosphere to continue to work hard.
(2/3/23) It was great. Something to look forward to.
(2/3/23) Love them very helpful.
(2/2/23) Thank you so much for the texts. I felt like he was checking in with me every day.
(2/2/23) Awesome Extremely helpful.
(2/2/23) I enjoyed all the messages very much. Right on schedule with my daily progress.
(2/2/23) Assists in keeping focused and engaged.
(2/1/23) This was very helpful.
(2/1/23) Helpful in understanding the recovery process.
(2/1/23) It was a great tool!
(1/31/23) Thanks for this addition to the experience. Appreciated!
(1/31/23) I looked forward to the text each day!! Good information in each text.
(1/31/23) A very nice thing to have for patients. Very well thought out.
(1/30/23) Thank you for implementing this texting program.
(1/30/23) The message’s were very intuitive. They were perfectly sequenced.
(1/30/23) They are great and timely.
(1/29/23) Loved that I was able to get answers to questions I had by just typing in a few words.
(1/28/23) I loved getting the messages. Made me feel not alone. Encouraging information was so welcomed. Thank you for standing with me through each day.
(1/27/23) They were always helpful and quite often aligned with what I was experiencing with my recovery, emotions, and even PT.
(1/27/23) Every thing helped me recover very fast.
(1/27/23) Even though I knew it was a robotic text, it was good.
(1/27/23) So helpful and a good way to communicate.
(1/27/23) They were helpful and informative.
(1/26/23) Great service—very helpful!
(1/26/23) Keep it up and encourage use.
(1/25/23) Very thoughtful process.
(1/25/23) I am very impressed with your service. I felt like I had a personal life coach.
(1/24/23) Absolutely love it! So do the physical therapists. They think it’s awesome.
(1/21/23) Loved the messages! Great way to make patients feel like they weren’t just tossed out the door into the cold after surgery.
(1/21/23) I feel that the text info on the recovery process was very informative and I think it answered many questions in the healing process.
both my physical therapist where impressed when I showed them how the text i received that day lined up with what they where doing.
Great tool !!! I again liked it early on after surgery as my leg swelled and showed bruising wakes you through covered and prepped you until you reach the Goal..
(1/20/23) Text messages very very good. Amount of messages helpful. I liked the volume and the persistence of the offerings. Is experienced as care and reasonable concern.
(1/20/23) Continue supporting your patients with this excellent service value.
(1/20/23) Loved the reminders, videos, and daily messages.
(1/20/23) It was very helpful to me.
(1/19/23) The text messages were very informative, helpful and very much appreciated during my recovery process.
(1/19/23) I think the text messaging is excellent. Too bad other doctors don’t use the service as well. That would cut down on office phone calls. Your questions are always answered through the text messages.
(1/19/23) Very comforting.
(1/18/23) Not to stop these! I found them so important to my recovery!
(1/18/23) Impressive communication tool.
(1/17/23) I found the texts to be incredibly helpful!
(1/17/23) Great system which helps with the recovery. I really wish this was available when I had my knee replacement.
(1/17/23) I thought they were a great source of information. They seemed to mostly match what the PTs were saying, as far as exercises.
(1/17/23) Keep it up!
(1/16/23) Thank you for these messages. Really nice to have questions answered and information so readily available.
(1/16/23) Keep up the good work.
(1/16/23) The messages were super helpful! My husband would complain of unusual discomfort and the next thing we know we get a text saying it’s normal, no worries. Pep talks really helped keep his spirits up!
(1/16/23) Absolutely Awesome.
(1/14/23) Great job on the text messages.
(1/14/23) I really appreciated the texts and even shared the joke with others.
(1/13/23) Keep doing it. Motivational and timely. Kept me going.
(1/12/23) the STREAD text messages were helpful and in most cases timely relative to questions I had regarding my recovery.
(1/12/23) There were days I thought you could read my mind before you sent the text.
(1/12/23) Very helpful in knowing if I was where I needed to be.
(1/12/23) Right on! Keep it going.
(1/12/23) Loved the messages. So helpful to stay connected.
(1/12/23) Great Service/information.
(1/12/23) I did enjoy them and they seemed to arrive at appropriate intervals.
(1/12/23) It is definitely worthwhile.
(1/11/23) Text messages worked well , kept me going when things got tough the encouragement helped a lot thank you.
(1/10/23) Thank you very much.
(1/10/23) Loved receiving them.
(1/10/23) I not only appreciated the content, which provided encouragement and answers to important questions, but the pace/schedule/regularlity of the messages also provided a sense of connection to medical staff regarding my procedure.
(1/10/23) Loved Them :)
(1/9/23) Excellent system and informative. Thanks.
(1/9/23) very helpful and informational and reassuring.
(1/9/23) Great service. I would be wondering if something was normal and often that subject would come up around that time.
(1/9/23) So helpful and I looked forward to seeing them.
(1/8/23) Good program.
(1/8/23) Will miss those massages!!
(1/7/23) Very helpful and made it a positive experience.
(1/7/23) Great messaging program.
(1/5/23) I loved getting these messages and found them extremely helpful. It would have been nice if the timing of them could have been delayed a bit for me, since my recovery timeline wasn’t standard. I still liked them though.
(1/5/23) Thank you. They were a superb support!
(1/5/23) This was very very helpful and uplifting…most of the questions/concerns were answered/addressed in these daily texts…
(1/3/23) Continue to encourage patients to utilize the system.
(1/3/23) Great information and helpful during my recovery.
(1/2/23) Excellent, very helpful!
(1/2/23) Excellent patient experience.
(1/2/23) I found the text messages very useful and helped to stay focused. Thanks.
(1/1/23) Keep it up.
(12/30/22) Helpful, timely, step by step.
(12/30/22) Absolutely appreciated being included as a family member to the patient. Extremely helpful for us all to help the patient.
(12/30/22) I love them!
(12/30/22) The whole system seem to be really good and really time sensitive it was great!
(12/29/22) Loved it; looked forward to it; kept us connected! Thank you!
(12/28/22) Answers seemed to appear at the same time as my concerns/questions arose.
(12/28/22) It was beneficial as it gave me an idea where I was supposed to be in my recovery.
(12/28/22) Great messages, helped a lot.
(12/28/22) Texts helped me understand in the recovery process. So anything to help me know I’m on track.
(12/28/22) I really appreciated the messages.
(12/27/22) I loved getting messages daily. I also liked how we could type the medications in to read more. It was such a good touch that really sets him apart from other surgeons!
(12/26/22) Keep doing it!
(12/26/22) They have been very helpful and encouraging.
(12/26/22) Great information and was so very helpful.
(12/26/22) I really appreciate the texts, it s reassuring to know Im not the only one with concerns and its amazing how on spot some of them are with what i may be wondering or feeling at the time at the exact time i m going thru or thinking of what text s context is. It s comforting to know someone cares, even though i know i can pick up the phone and someone at office will help me if need be.
(12/26/22) Very informative information and helpful on what to expect day by day after surgery. Thank you!!
(12/25/22) Excellent part of my recovery. I never felt alone or disconnected from your office during my recovery.
(12/24/22) The text messages is a great idea for me and I can go back to it and use them over and over again.
(12/23/22) Most of it was very helpful and helped to know what to expect.
(12/22/22) I like how with the message he sent a link you could click to get more information. Like videos on exercises etc.
(12/22/22) Keep it up. Connections are important.
(12/22/22) The messages and videos were awesome both physically and emotionally.
(12/22/22) It was great, no complaints. A big help.
(12/20/22) Thanks for a way to stay connected and informed about recovery.
(12/20/22) Great news and information.
(12/20/22) It answered questions that I was thinking at the time and it made my recovery comforting knowing I had the messages daily and could go back and read old ones again.
(12/19/22) They have kept me encouraged to do my exercises.
(12/19/22) Very heplful and the timing of the messages was appropriate for the progress of my recovery.
(12/19/22) Timely, informative, detailed, and a dash of humor!
(12/18/22) How much I appreciated daily communication helped!
(12/18/22) The messages are a lot of help to encourage me. This surgery was harder than the first, so I try to hang in there and do what is expected of me.
(12/17/22) Helpful and encouraging.
(12/15/22) Loved it!
(12/14/22) Keep up the good work.
(12/14/22) No one should underestimate the value of personal attention in patient care. I loved the reinforcement of exercise , discussing possible depression, doing too much too fast , and when calling the office is needed. Your joke was great!! You are a great surgeon with a big heart.
(12/13/22) Provided daily encouragement
(12/13/22) Texts were very helpful and spot on 75-80% of time.
(12/13/22) Thank you so much for them. They kept me informed and supported thru the process.
(12/12/22) All doctors should have this service! It helps so much.
(12/12/22) Even though, the messages were automated, the texts gave me a sense of connection.
(12/10/22) Very helpful in the recovery!
(12/10/22) They were fabulous. I read some to my family that were so encouraging and they jokingly said they wished they had a service that sent them positive messages.! I really enjoyed the videos. They were a very personal touch for patients.
(12/10/22) Informative and very helpful text messages... Thank you!!
(12/9/22) Great system. Seemed to answer questions at exactly the right time, and was a great help.
(12/8/22) Actually very much appreciated it.
(12/7/22) Smiling and Laughter are the best medicine! And the excises were of great help to me. They helped me keep on track and the physical therapy used the same ones along with a few others!
(12/6/22) Positive approach for patient healing!
(12/6/22) These messages helped me maintain a more confident attitude throughout the recovery and rehab period. They were all very insightful and helpful.
(12/6/22) I like the messages!
(12/6/22) Thank you! The messages were very helpful.
(12/6/22) I appreciated the text messages, kept me enthused about my progress, even though they were generic and meant for everyone, they made me feel like the team really cared about the patient.
(12/5/22) Very helpful and impactful! I really liked the connection and I looked forward to the text messages! Very positive and it made a difference! Thank you.
(12/5/22) Liked the daily words of encouragement and reinforcement of what I should be doing and how my recovery should be progressing.
(12/4/22) This made me remember daily , to get up and do something. That I needed a little more effort to my recovery.
(12/4/22) This has been awesome and so important- just as much mentally as physically- maybe even more mentally. I dipped ever ever so slightly into the blues on the second day but these messages really really really helped as well as seeing my family. Still the only one who truly understands what I was going through is you. I relied on your messages and followed them faithfully- even the very hard and necessary exercises. You support, encourage, and appropriately push all at the same time. And the joke was great too - made me laugh which is also so important in my view - at least for me it is - helps me get through things while taking the process very seriously . The messages likely couldn’t anticipate everything at specific times but they came really close for me , which I noticed and was very impressed by . Really love your messages - entire family and friends greatly impressed by how very much you stayed with your patients each day of this journey. I’m actually sorry it’ll end soon. Could be something the PT unit could pick up perhaps along with face to face? Thank you so very much for your caring and help along with your stellar expertise and humanity.
(12/4/22) The messages were awesome. Especially on the days when I was feeling down. It always seemed the messages were perfectly timed to the days I needed them most. The messages were definitely life savers and I have told everyone who will listen about them!!!! I will miss them when they stop.
(12/4/22) Great messages. Answer my questions.
(12/2/22) Great feature with timely information.
(12/2/22) Excellent! Kept me motivated and telling me what to do.
(12/2/22) Great idea for rehabilitation.
(12/1/22) I feel the text messages were a major impact for my successful recovery. The texts covered most if not all my questions and helped to keep me positive and motivated.
(12/1/22) I thought it was great! The text messages seemed to anticipate things that I was wondering about. For example, one day I noticed I had swelling and the following day a text message about swelling arrived. I appreciated the guidance on meds, encouragement, motivation, exercises and video links, and the interactive part where you could ask a question or type a keyword. I will miss it!
(12/1/22) It was very beneficial right after surgery to get the text messages. They helped me stay positive about my recovery.
(11/30/22) I appreciated the benchmark stages of healing and what to expect.
(11/30/22) Motivating. Kept me on task.
(11/30/22) It’s perfect-I feel that the text messages were right on target time wise with the relevant content-sometimes the message came in right when I would be curious about something... well done!
(11/30/22) Helpful in feeling connect thru the surgery and recovery.
(11/29/22) It made me feel like I wasn’t just forgotten after I left the hospital.
(11/29/22) I really appreciate the time and effort put into the text messages. It made me feel good about the thought and support that went into them😀. With the messages I was able to know where I should be in my recovery and how to help get there. The emotional support was also helpful.
(11/29/22) Helpful and encouraging!
(11/29/22) Great job. Very timely advice and most importantly they were encouraging.
(11/28/22) The texts were timely and quite often addressed a concern I was experiencing. I found the exercise videos very helpful. I continue to reference them throughout my recovery. The encouragement the texts provided was up lifting.
(11/28/22) Helpful….. helped me see where I should be in my recovery. Encouraging!
(11/28/22) They were really helpful!
(11/28/22) Messages were helpful in keeping my attitude positive. Overall a good experience.
(11/27/22) A good resource to offer patients.
(11/26/22) What a great use of technology. I felt very cared about along the way and the messages were on point for the particular point in my recovery.
(11/26/22) It was a good benchmark on progress.
(11/25/22) The messages are encouraging. They make me feel like I’m not alone in my recovery.
(11/25/22) I really enjoyed them and it encouraged exercise.
(11/25/22) They were very comforting to know that someone cares enough to send daily messages about your recovery.
(11/24/22) Loved it!
(11/24/22) Thank you for the text support
(11/23/22) There is a good balance of info/tips and encouragement. It’s also helpful to be reminded that many others have had this surgery and have experienced the same pain and emotions, and have eventually made excellent recoveries.
(11/23/22) I appreciated the daily inspiration and info.
(11/22/22) I liked the messages.
(11/22/22) Keep on doing what you are doing!
(11/22/22) Helpful; please continue.
(11/21/22) At the beginning I did find it helpful to have more messages about what to expect how I might be feeling. But then toward the end I thought it was helpful to get some of the ones with the videos of exercises I could be doing on my own.
(11/21/22) The text messages kept me informed and surprisingly looking forward to next steps. Daily messages made it feel like the rehab team had me in “their line of sight “ and somehow anticipated my concerns in this journey. An example was when I noticed numbness around my knee, a text message arrived notifying me this is a normal occurrence and it will eventually go away. Also messages/humor to encourage me were interspersed with the exercise videos which were timely.
(11/21/22) Thank you for these messages. They showed me I’m in very capable hands, that you have lots of experience with similar patients, and that you are available, if need be. Without them, I would have felt little to no connection with you, I would have been anxious, and my trust level would have been low. The messages offer meaningful and powerful connection.
(11/20/22) Thank you for this feature.
(11/19/22) The text messages were awesome and really on point with the timing. The exercises have been great, especially to help you feel like you are doing something to help with your own recovery.
(11/19/22) Very encouraging and helpful. Thank you!
(11/18/22) They are great and have been a big impact on the positive parts of recovery and a great reminder to not go so fast.
(11/18/22) Very informative and timely.
(11/18/22) Great. Very helpful to me.
(11/18/22) Text messages are very helpful. Looked forward to them every day.
(11/18/22) The messages were appreciated focused on the recovery timeline and helped keep me focused on appropriate exercises, and encouraged.
(11/18/22) I loved them and I loved the unexpected joke. It cracked me up!
(11/18/22) It felt like I was not alone in the recovery
(11/16/22) Loved the text messages!
(11/16/22) Thank you. The messages made me feel you were aware of me and reminded me what I should be doing.
(11/15/22) Amazing idea! I looked forward to getting the messages.
(11/15/22) Thank you for providing this service. It encouraged me and kept me focused on what is needed to heal effectively.
(11/15/22) These messages were a tremendous help.
(11/14/22) Very helpful. Made my recovery much easier. Gave me peace of mind.
(11/14/22) I found the information about the wound & dressing helpful. And I liked the reminders about exercises I could do at home. Also not feeling discouraged about where I was in recovery.
(11/14/22) Very helpful and informative.
(11/14/22) It worked for me because it kept me motivated.
(11/13/22) These messages were always right on point for me. They were reassuring and positive and helpful.
(11/11/22) Messages were very helpful and encouraging.
(11/11/22) I like it!
(11/9/22) Great service for patients!
(11/10/22) It was very helpful, on point in a timely manner.
(11/9/22) It was very helpful and encouraging.
(11/9/22) I felt that the text messages help me stay on track with my PT. and how I should be feeling.
(11/8/22) The text messages have been very informational wit respect to my care. They also have been comforting each day.
(11/8/22) Thank you. I felt that you really cared and it was helpful to know how I was progressing.
(11/8/22) Appreciate it very much.
(11/6/22) Keep up the good work.
(11/5/22) The motivational encouragement was as effective. Giving perspectives also on what to expect as we progressed into each week was very useful as was the encouragement to keep up the exercise.
(11/4/22) The messages worked great for me!
(11/4/22) I found the texts informative and supportive.
(11/3/22) Excellent service!
(11/3/22) I appreciated the concern and support.
(11/3/22) Very helpful. Made me feel important to surgeon.
(11/2/22) Really enjoyed the messages. Like updated info and felt I was part of a community.
(11/2/22) The texts had answers to my questions before I even had the questions.
(11/2/22) This is a very helpful feature.
(11/1/22) Knowing what to expect at the right time is great. The exercises help.
(11/1/22) The messages supplied reassuring information through the healing process.
(11/1/22) Very encouraging!
(10/31/22) The messages answered some questions, on the exact days I was thinking about them!
(10/31/22) Great service. It helped a lot.
(10/31/22) I really appreciated them!
(10/31/22) Thought beneficial. Looked forward to receiving them.
(10/31/22) I really appreciated all the messages. It kept me informed. I always knew if I was where I was supposed to be in my recovery. Thank you
(10/28/22) The messages were very informational and I looked forward each day to receiving the encouragement.
(10/28/22) This was so helpful in my recovery. At times I thought you were in our home. I would mention something to my husband and then my text was about that topic.
(10/28/22) I appreciate them. Made me feel more connected. Al ssf o liked being able to rect a word/question and getting an immediate answer.
(10/27/22) The daily encouragement and your thoughts about recovery status was valuable.
(10/26/22) I liked the text, shows that u care about the patient even after surgery.
(10/26/22) Good info!
(10/24/22) The messages were timely and informative.
(10/24/22) I think they are great. As a retired RN, I could see how they decreased unnecessary calls to Dr. It helped me know I was on track and meeting goals. Without these I would not have pushed as hard in exercises, thinking I was doing great with less effort.
(10/24/22) It helped me know what to do and what to expect.
(10/24/22) Good job. The information was educational and demonstrated that you care. Thanks
(10/24/22) Messaging is a very positive approach to the healing process.
(10/24/22) They are great!! Don’t stop them!
(10/24/22) Loved them. Didn’t get them on the first replacement. I definitely think they helped with information I was unsure of.
(10/24/22) It was great 👍
(10/24/22) Very valuable texts. Help keep me motivated. Good videos of exercises.
(10/24/22) Very good. Very helpful!
(10/23/22) Great !! Felt personal, special, cared about!
(10/23/22) Very good keep them up for other patients!
(10/21/22) Enjoyed them, also very helpful.
(10/21/22) The information received on those specific days directly correlated to the questions and concerns I had on those days. It provided me with the information I needed without questioning my recovery.
(10/21/22) Excellent information at just the right time during my recovery process!
(10/20/22) Continue offering them!
(10/19/22) That was a very good idea.
(10/19/22) Loved them. They were so nice to receive. The info was valuable plus I felt like I was being checked on. Especially loved the videos of exercises.
(10/19/22) Very helpful information. Was on point.
(10/19/22) Liked exercise recommendations.
(10/18/22) Very informative!
(10/18/22) Thank you so much for having the service, I enjoyed it and helped me stay motivated.
(10/18/22) It makes a patent feel like they matter!
(10/18/22) Made me feel you really cared about my recovery!
(10/14/22) I looked forward to the messages each day. They helped me to know if I was on target with my recovery. I also enjoyed the positive thoughts. I have mentioned these messages to others who have had knee replacement and they were impressed by the idea and their surgeon did not do this.
(10/14/22) Very helpful, encouraging and informative.
(10/14/22) The videos helped a lot.
(10/12/22) Very informative!
(10/11/22) Very good way to remind patients of what may have been said right after their surgery.
(10/11/22) Thank you!!
(10/11/22) Big positive difference since my first hip replacement in 2016! By all means continue these text messages to patients - most informative, what to expect each day as you progress through recovery, and especially for me.
(10/10/22) Keep it coming.
(10/9/22) My background had my mindset on the road to recovery with or without the msgs, but it was still reassuring to see I was proceeding in the same direction. Others from a less athletic background would surely appreciate the info.
(10/7/22) Excellent! Keep sending them! They are helpful, educational, informative and motivating!
(10/6/22) I very much look forward to the text messages💕
(10/6/22) I loved them. I found them very helpful and would look forward to them everyday. Especially the first couple weeks. I would suggest them to all knee patients.
(10/5/22) I liked the personal connection that showed an individual caring of the patient.
(10/4/22) A good reminder of what you should be doing and where you should be!
(10/3/22) They were very helpful, especially the exercise videos!
(10/3/22) The positive sayings were very encouraging!
(10/1/22) Looked forward to them & kept me positive.
(10/1/22) Looked forward to them & kept me positive.
(10/1/22) I really am grateful for these text messages!
(9/30/22) The messages make you feel connected to the surgeon and staff and you are not recovering alone!!
(9/30/22) All good…you did your homework.
(9/29/22) Keep up the good work.
(9/29/22) It made me feel like I was on track.
(9/28/22) A wonderful way to stay on point!
(9/27/22) Good timing! The texts received were usually spot on with what I was experiencing after my hip replacement surgery.
(9/27/22) They kept me on track for a good recovery!
(9/27/22) Keep it up!
(9/26/22) It was awesome
(9/26/22) They were appreciated.
(9/26/22) I REALLY appreciate the text messages! They were very encouraging, informative and timely. They answered many questions that I had about my surgery and recovery.
(9/26/22) Very timely:the messages came at an appropriate time in my recovery. The step by step instructions was very much appreciate and needed, Guidance is a better word to use, kept me on my toes lol. Thanks for the added encouragement: YOU GOT THIS! THANKS
(9/26/22) The messages really helped feeling connected in the recovery process and a very welcomed approach to managing the time between doctor visits.
(9/24/22) I would simply say, Continue because it helps.
(9/24/22) Kept my recovery going in the right direction!
(9/23/22) Very. Helpful!
(9/23/22) The texts introducing new exercises were great. Texts of encouragement were also beneficial!
(9/23/22) Very helpful and though it’s all pre recorded, it still felt personal.
(9/22/22) They are motivating and comforting. I looked forward to getting the messages each day. Number of messages was kept to a minimum.
(9/22/22) It was SO helpful!
(9/21/22) The messages were great, very motivational.
(9/21/22) Great idea! Very informative! Keep doing!
(9/20/22) Excellent!
(9/20/22) These daily communications often answered questions that were on my mind, but I had not asked. They were very helpful.
(9/19/22) Great information!
(9/19/22) It’s exceptional!
(9/19/22) Very nice addition to the great service received!
(9/19/22) Very good vehicle for information. There are contradictions among information given in paperwork, videos, and texts. Great way to get n we’d information but needs to be updated.
(9/18/22) The messages were timed perfectly for my recovery progress. Loved the joke!
(9/18/22) They are very helpful.
(9/17/22) Glad to know you took the time to let me be involved with these text messages. They were very helpful and encouraging for my recovery.
(9/16/22) They were excellent and totally unexpected!
(9/16/22) They were very helpful.
(9/15/22) Thank you for providing this service - very helpful!
(9/15/22) Text messages were awesome!
(9/14/22) I was happily anticipating each message!
(9/14/22) Great idea and provides daily encouragement.
(9/14/22) The text messages were right on point. It almost seemed like my thoughts were being read because the subjects of the texts were so timely about what was going on with my knee.
(9/14/22) Awesome texts!
(9/13/22) Keep up the encouragement!
(9/12/22) Very helpful and supportive.
(9/12/22) I really don’t have enough experience to be a judge of feedback but just keep it going. It helps a lot ... thank you!
(9/10/22) Very helpful and encouraging.
(9/8/22) Keep it up. I looked forward to them.
(9/7/22) I found the messages to be helpful and motivational.
(9/6/22) Love the messages. Always encouraging and often just what I needed to hear.
(9/14/22) I enjoyed receiving the messages and knowing where I stood in my post op compared to others. And knowing that some won’t feel 100% for months.
(9/14/22) Thank you for doing the texts— very timely and encouraging!!
(9/14/22) Thank you for lifting my emotions!
(9/13/22) I enjoyed them!
(9/12/22) I think they are worthwhile. The program is a good idea.
(9/11/22) They are fine and they did coincide with my feelings and gave me encouragement and information at the right times.
(9/9/22) Helped to keep me focused!
(9/8/22) Very helpful reminders, advice and encouragement . Kept me engaged and didn’t feel abandoned.
(9/8/22) Great job!!
(9/4/22) I enjoyed the daily connection from the doctor. I can see where people would benefit greatly and not stress as much.
(9/4/22) Huge help in the recovery and verifying what was happening along the way to recovery.
(9/4/22) I feel it is beneficial. I’m a medical provider myself. While much of this information is known to me, it was helpful to have reminders as the experience is different when you’re the patient.
(9/3/22) Extremely helpful. Every time I had a question on my mind seems like I would receive a text to answer my question. I feel the text we’re very helpful in my recovery process.
(9/2/22) Even though they’re digital, it feels like you really CARE. They’re also great reminders to keep a patients head in the game.
(9/1/22) I think for new replacement patients it was helpful.
(9/1/22) Very helpful messages!
(9/1/22) I really enjoyed them. They gave me encouragement right when I needed it. And reinforced physical therapy exercises.
(8/31/22) Liked the texts!
(8/31/22) Appreciate the advice.
(8/30/22) This was a pleasant surprise!
(8/30/22) These messages helped my mental state a lot.
(8/27/22) This is my second knee replacement & the text messages kept me on track and answered my questions. If you follow the exercises you recover quickly.
(8/27/22) Thank you so much - I have shared this with others!
(8/26/22) Truly appreciated the texts. Have helped me with attitude, exercises and overall recovery. I highly encourage you to continue to use the texts for your future patients.
(8/26/22) It was quite helpful. It made me feel “watched over”, (in a good way)!
(8/26/22) I liked getting the exercise videos.
(8/25/22) The program helps one stay centered on on his or her recovery.
(8/25/22) Thank you for providing this service. It was especially helpful that potential temporary setbacks were mentioned.
(8/25/22) I looked forward to each one. Even though I know this is a canned program, I felt someone was concerned about my progress.
(8/25/22) Very encouraging messaging and support during the surgery process.
(8/24/22) I loved it. Kept me on track.
(8/24/22) Loved then. Great support!
(8/23/22) It was encouraging. I looked forward to them.
(8/23/22) It was great! It really helped my recovery. It was like talking to your staff every morning.
(8/22/22) Great idea Very supportive Unique way to keep post-op patients informed/supported.
(8/20/22) A big thanks!! cares enough to get texts of support out to us.
(8/18/22) It made me feel like my recovery was important to the doctor.
(8/18/22) Very good information!
(8/16/22) Loved them - made it feel personal.
(8/15/22) Very encouraging. Really liked the exercise info. Nice to know things I was feeling was commonplace. Not able to sleep, more pain early on and it did get better!
(8/14/22) I absolutely loved the text messaging program. I found the texts to be very timely and the content to be so relevant to my recovery. I would definitely recommend this text messaging program to all patients. The program provides encouragement and acts as a personal cheerleader for your recovery!!
(8/11/22) Made me more confident going through the process.
(8/9/22) I loved the text messages which were encouraging and supportive for my post-op recovery.
(8/9/22) Very nice and makes you feel that the team is looking out for you!
(8/8/22) It was helpful to have a daily connection and receive helpful information.
(8/7/22) I think it’s a wonderful program. Very informative and helpful.
(8/6/22) I think of the communication that I received from the text messages and videos were great.
(8/6/22) Very helpful and informative.
(8/5/22) They are great!
(8/5/22) Messages seemed spot on for how I was doing.
(8/5/22) Keep them going for others that have surgery!
(8/4/22) Overall, the text messages have great tips on exercises and it was nice to have the GOAL texts that helped to reassure me that I was on target in my recovery.
(8/4/22) Very comforting and informative.
(8/4/22) I loved the texts. They answered my questions before I even knew I had a question.
(8/3/22) Positive feedback on text messages. Helped along the way, kept me on track with tips and exercises.
(8/3/22) Look forward to them. They seem to hit issues at time I’m experiencing them.
(8/2/22) The text messages helped me stay engaged.
(7/30/22) I live alone and the messages were a great help for me to stay positive and moving, they were awesome 👍
(7/30/22) I loved the text messages. They were extremely timely!
(7/30/22) These messages are such helpful reminders of what I need to do as time goes by to expedite my recovery. I’ve done very well.
(7/29/22) very helpful and encouraging!
(7/29/22) Easy to use, clear, engaging, and helpful!
(7/29/22) I felt a positive connection with the office.
(7/29/22) These texts were helpful — like having a personal coach — and cheerful — reminded me of “the paper clip guy” that used to reliably pop up on the early version of Word.
(7/28/22) Each message seemed like it was the result of a great deal of research into what patients experienced at every step of their recovery.
(7/27/22) I looked Forward to my daily messages which helped me keep up with where I should be with my progression in my recovery.
(7/26/22) I really enjoyed the texts and videos. They were an integral part of my recovery.
(7/25/22) The messages were always just what I needed to know.
(7/25/22) This is an outstanding post-surgery communication tool for patients. At every level of recovery, there was the right message of encouragement or exercise video to help out. Thanks for such a great tool.
(7/25/22) Streamd Was an unexpected benefit to the process being we didn’t feel so isolated or as far from the doctors office and hospital… The advice was very comforting and appreciated.
(7/23/22) Thanks, l really enjoyed them. I particularly liked the video message the night before the surgery!
(7/23/22) The text messages were extremely helpful and reassuring. They seemed to be sent right at the time I needed them.
(7/23/22) Super add to care, very impressed.
(7/22/22) STREAMD is what keeps me going, especially when I know that I’m right where I am supposed to be. If I didnt get the texts, I would probably give up.
(7/21/22) I found this service surprisingly valuable and comforting.
(7/21/22) I really enjoyed receiving the messages and they helped me gauge my progress and issues. In some cases the text would could come in right on time when I am experiencing the same issue, so that was very helpful.
(7/20/22) It helped encourage me to do my exercises and follow his procedures but main influences by far were his team’s availability and willingness to answer questions specifically snd quickly plus physical therapy snd the physical therapist. Text program was a boost but doctor’s procedures, pre and post surgery information and protocols and skills and surgery’s ease and healing ease were most effective.
(7/19/22) Help keep connected plus shows she cares!
(7/19/22) Excellent service Yo offer your patients. Thank you so much!
(7/19/22) Very happy with content and positive feel!
(7/18/22) They are great reminders of exercise program!
(7/17/22) The texts were helpful and timely. Implementing the new exercises in a staggered manner was very helpful. I felt like there was always a connection and I wasn’t in the rehab alone. Felt supported throughout.
(7/16/22) I really liked it!
(7/13/22) I was happy to receive the texts snd so many times, especially the words of encouragement came at the perfect time.
(7/11/22) I thought they were very helpful and very encouraging.
(7/7/22) Messages were super helpful.
(7/7/22) I absolutely loved it and looked forward to my daily messages. It helped me to keep in touch with where my progress should be.
(7/6/22) Loved them. Right on target!
(7/6/22) The messages were always appropriate for the point I was in my journey to recovery. They lifted me up when I felt like I wasn’t where I should be as far as progress.
(7/17/22) Extremely valuable and greatly appreciated.
(7/14/22) Helped me tremendously.
(7/5/22) Great, really helped!
(7/5/22) They were great!
(7/5/22) I really benefited from the texts about exercise.
(7/4/22) Really liked the messages. They were helpful and positive. Thank you!
(7/4/22) Very helpful in feeling connected to the surgical team.
(7/4/22) Great customer service!!
(7/3/22) You did a great job and I appreciate everything.
(7/2/22) I appreciated all of the positive messages and exercise suggestions. They kept me motivated to not give up and work hard now for the best results.
(7/1/22) I feel these are very beneficial to all patients!! A good balance of overall health and wellness/ motivation/ exercises and a way to see if you’re “on track” between visits!!
(7/1/22) Thank you, they were very helpful.
(6/30/22) I appreciated the humor and encouragement.
(6/30/22) I appreciated the humor and encouragement.
(6/29/22) Please continue this with your patients.
(6/28/22) They are helpful and timely.
(6/28/22) Thank you. I looked forward to the messages. They gave me hope for my recovery.
(6/25/22) very helpful!
(6/24/22) The encouragement was really nice and very much needed during some challenging days!
(6/23/22) They were very informative.
(6/23/22) Thank you for the amazing messages really helped me.
(6/22/22) Motivational, well timed, sometimes what I was thinking about asking that day!!!!
(6/21/22) They were encouraging & helpful. Thank you!!
(6/20/22) Keep up the good job.
(6/20/22) Keep on doing them so helpful and encouraging.
(6/19/22) I have loved receiving these messages. They helped me see where I saw in recovery and were good reminders for things I should be doing.
(6/19/22) Thanks for the texts!
(6/18/22) All info was helpful-navigating stairs, driving tips, pain meds, exercises, etc.
(6/16/22) Loved this! Very helpful. Made me feel like you are interested in my overall recovery… Definitely a way to decrease phone calls to the office as you are pushing out information… You also provide a start mechanism for people who do not want to receive the text… I found this overall very useful and exciting use of technology.
(6/15/22) These helped me feel connected and well informed. Love that I could get more information just by texting a word back.
(6/15/22) Very positive feedback, texts were informative, and very much needed at times, especially the encouragement when you lack that at home it’s motivating to read/see/hear it.
(6/15/22) Thank you. I know they were our done but the information and encouragement I needed seemed to come at just the right time. Please keep encouraging patients to sign up for this. I almost didn’t, but so glad I did!
(6/15/22) Exercise videos were very impactful. Keep them up!
(6/14/22) Very good timing on subject.
(6/14/22) Offers good info about the progress you should be having post op.
(6/14/22) It was kind of amazing how when questions were coming in my head I would see him in a text messages right around that time! There was one time where I sent several of the words back to get some of the other texts. And apparently it put up an alarm where they called me to see if everything was okay. That was really cool!
(6/13/22) Good feedback and direction!
(6/12/22) Fantastic support system!
(6/10/22) It is great program!
(6/10/22) I love the exercises performed by the person who does them.
(6/10/22) Keep up the good work!
(6/9/22) It made me feel much more cared for.
(6/7/22) Very informative and reassuring.
(6/7/22) The messages were awesome and time appropriate in every step of my recovery.
(6/7/22) I really looked forward to the messages!
(6/7/22) Keep up the great service these messages give to us all.
(6/6/22) It was very thorough and it answered ever question I loved receiving them daily. I also loved having access to the therapist when needed.
(6/6/22) The messages were timely in terms of my experiences.
(6/6/22) I loved them!
(6/5/22) Messages are spot on. Very helpful!
(6/4/22) It was very timely and through. Lessened my anxiety.
(6/3/22) Loved the messages. Made me feel that my doctor really cared about my recovery. They were beyond my expectations.
(6/3/22) Love the concept!
(6/2/22) I really enjoyed getting the daily messages and exercises.
(6/2/22) Keep doing this text messaging service!
(6/1/22) Very helpful. It kept me feeling positive about my progress, especially where I seemed to be ahead of the curve.
(5/30/22) Informative and reassuring that I was still being cared for.
(5/29/22) The texts have been the highlight of my days! They helped me feel that everything that I have been feeling is normal! They’re fantastic! 😊
(5/28/22) Really liked everything, maintained a connection with the doctor, great but short videos, set expectations on progress, this was very beneficial.
(5/28/22) It made me feel like some one was keeping up with me and that I wasn’t alone.
(5/27/22) This is a great way to let your patients know how to get through the healing process! Very helpful!
(5/26/22) Very helpful during recovery.
(5/26/22) This was a great help!!!
(5/25/22) They were very helpful and I was able to share them with my physical therapist.
(5/25/22) I liked them and sometimes look forward to getting them.
(5/25/22) I liked that it knew where I was at in recovery. It helped me to know what I was feeling was normal.
(5/25/22) Kept me feeling I was on track!
(5/24/22) They provided affirmation that what I was going through was expected and frequently ahead of schedule. Liked the availability of additional information by texting a single word.
(5/23/22) Keep them coming, they are a positive mood changer.
(5/22/22) They were helpful and encouraging. Reinforced the pre- and post-op teaching.
(5/22/22) They are very helpful!
(5/21/22) It was motivating and informative. .. liked it that I could in a subject and get an immediate response!
(5/20/22) It was amazing how accurate the messages where relating to what was going on with me on that certain day.
(5/20/22) Great use of technology in post op recovery compliance.
(5/19/22) Every time I had a question it was answered without me having to seek the answer elsewhere.
(5/18/22) This texting service is fantastic. It really assisted with answers to questions.
(5/17/22) Thank you for the messages. They were incredibly helpful.
(5/17/22) Keep up the good work. Thanks.
(5/16/22) The messages were very helpful and appropriate.
(5/9/22) I think overall the messages were very helpful both for the exercises, but also emotionally. It’s a journey and knowing the downtimes were normal, was comforting. Excellent job!
(5/7/22) Very good communication tool
(5/7/22) They contain good useful information!
(5/7/22) The feed really helped me get over the hard times, feeling down and loosing hope. Some times it would make me smile.
(5/7/22) The text message were very helpful and kept me on track by letting me know where I should be in the recovery process.
(5/6/22) Loved them. They were spot on to how I was feeling at different post surgery time period. Loved, loved, loved the PT videos and all the pre-surgery messages. Loved that I could text Key words to get more information specific to my needs.
(5/6/22) Loved getting them let me know where I should be in recovery and with therapy.
(5/5/22) Exercises and videos were very helpful.
(5/5/22) Thanks for the pertinent and informational daily texts.
(5/5/22) This information was extremely helpful.
(5/5/22) Particularly helpful to lettting me know that I was on track with my recovery in terms of pain and movement progress. A true “worry reliever” and a saver of calls to staff.
(5/3/22) I never had a doctor to text message me information and encouragement I needed day by day, thank you.
(5/2/22) These messages made me feel connected. Videos were short and easy to follow.
(5/2/22) Very helpful and informative!
(5/1/22) Thanks. Helpful and appreciated.
(4/30/22) Very impressed with them.
(4/28/22) Appreciate all that you have done!
(4/27/22) Absolutely loved receiving the text messages. They helped before the surgery and were very helpful to let me know how I was going after surgery.
(4/24/22) Very informative and helpful!
(4/23/22) I really liked these so much! The messages were very informative as well as encouraging. Also, I really liked when milestones were discussed, even though I know everybody has a different recovery time… This was so helpful in setting expectations for my own improvement. I also loved the links to the exercise videos that I needed to do before starting PT… very helpful… Additionally I enjoyed the feature that I could text a phrase or a word and get information. The texting was such a helpful tool overall… I relied on it every day, especially during my first 3-4 weeks… But I’m still enjoying it up until the end… The messages have provided great information so I could actively manage my recovery successfully!
(4/23/22) Good idea. Kept me company and looked forward to the daily texts.
(4/22/22) Very timely. Liked the goal part.
(4/21/22) I enjoyed having the videos for beneficial exercises I could do at home. It also reassured me that what I was going through was normal.
(4/20/22) I thought they were very informative and positive messages.
(4/20/22) Loved the constant positive reinforcement.
(4/20/22) They are great. They let you know what to expect and when you are to be off pain killers. This is a big help.
(4/19/22) This was amazing, being a nurse I always have questions and wanting to know “normal” expectations. This helped ease my mind. I would have given anything to have this with our post transplant patients!!!!! Great job!!!
(4/19/22) Keep it up, they help me do much!
(4/18/22) They were a game changer to my recovery. I could find out where I should be at any given time. Was so helpful.
(4/17/22) Thanks for adding this product, it’s reassuring to know what I’m experiencing is normal. The exercises were different from what I usually did, but they reminded me to move. Yay. I had a hip replacements 3 mos. apart. One before STREAMD and and one with STREAMD. I liked the text messages.
(4/15/22) Very helpful way to stay on track.
(4/14/22) Very informative information, loved it!
(4/14/22) It was great and relieved my concerns sometimes before I had thought about it.
(4/14/22) The messages came at just the right time, especially in the beginning for encouragement and showing me I was on track.
(4/12/22) Thank you for your time doing them. They are so helpful and comforting.
(4/12/22) Excellent way to stay connected with patients. I appreciated it very much.
(4/11/22) I appreciated them-it seemed i d be thinking of a question and would get text pertaining to that question and or feeling.
(4/9/22) I very much appreciated the contact and the information. It was great!
(4/9/22) I really liked receiving updates on the surgery expectations it made me feel confident.
(4/8/22) I enjoyed getting them. And it gave tips to help recovery.
(4/8/22) This is very helpful to recovery and PT. Thank you!
(4/7/22) Tremendously helped with my recovery. I felt directly connected to the doctor and his office staff. So much good information and advice was passed on and I read all of them and watched all of the videos. Especially loved the encouraging messages.
(4/6/22) There were some topics that I never thought I’d care about or thought about and I realized after receiving them, I needed to hear about them. Most topics were extremely helpful!
(4/2/22) Loved it, and made me feel not alone in this recovery, especially when I don’t live in the area.
(4/1/22) Keep up the positive messages and attitude.
(3/29/22) Messages were encouraging & made me feel like I recovering at a normal pace.
(3/29/22) They helped me so much! Thank you.
(3/29/22) At this moment, everything is wonderful. It helped me a lot. Thanks so much.
(3/28/22) Very helpful and helped me keep a positive attitude!
(3/25/22) How much I appreciated the daily encouragement and also the exercise videos.
(3/24/22) All the text were on spot! Loved getting the text and looked fwd to them too see where I was at during my recovery.
(3/23/22) I looked forward to them everyday.
(3/23/22) Nice touch!
(3/22/22) I found them to be a good connection to the team and always informative.
(3/22/22) Helped keep me motivated.
(3/21/22) This is a great feature!
(3/21/22) They’re great!
(3/20/22) Great idea!
(3/24/22) Good idea..informative..helpful
(3/18/22) Messages helped encourage me to do my best.
(3/18/22) The messages were a great help to know where I should be with recovery. They help with exercises to come back physically as well as mentally when I am laid up.
(3/17/22) These messages have helped me feel connected, informed and motivated.
(3/16/22) Very helpful and encouraging. Let me know right where I should be or strive for.
(3/14/22) They were literally spot on most every time, especially the encouragement texts- I swear I didn’t them and the text would come at just the right time. It helped so much.
(3/14/22) I loved getting my daily text. They were encouraging and helpful and very timely. Thank you for taking the time to send them.
(3/13/22) Good information. Positive messages!
(3/12/22) I absolutely love these text messages and look forward to receiving them daily. I’ll miss them when they stop. Thanks for providing this service.
(3/12/22) Very Impressed 👍 and would highly recommend to others.
(3/11/22) It felt very personable. Just as if my Surgeon was personally messaging me every day...even though I know it wasn’t him. ;)
(3/11/22) They were positive incentives, which were nice to get when I was going through the difficult recovery.
(3/11/22) It was very helpful.
(3/11/22) Helpful and answered several questions.
(3/11/22) ♥️♥️♥️ Very informative & spot on!
(3/10/22) 100% on the subject and its timing.
(3/7/22) Kept me informed regarding common surgery issues, & recovery exercises- it was very helpful.
(3/7/22) Great for a first timer!
(3/7/22) I really felt in touch as what was being sent was exactly what I needed at the time I needed it. It was good that I could go back and review over again when I needed it.
(3/6/22) It is an excellent and innovative way to communicate. As a team.
(3/6/22) Very informative and helpful.
(3/6/22) Love them!
(3/4/22) Thought it a wonderful way to monitor my progress and anticipate what I needed to hear!
(3/3/22) Very much appreciated the continual pre and post op communication-particularly as not a local patient- felt very “connected “ to the office.
(3/2/22) Great Idea!
(3/1/22) I feel the content I received was very appropriate and helpful. It’s reassuring to know what normal expectations are to compare with my progress.
(2/26/22) I was amazed on how on target the timing was. I would be thinking about an issue and a text on that subject would show up.
(2/25/22) I loved them!
(2/24/22) Helpful in the recovery process.
(2/24/22) I loved it. Great information and made me feel connected!
(2/24/22) All very relevant and left no questions unanswered.
(2/21/22) I feel I have received the best experience because of * and these text messages or life-saving…. took away all my fears
(2/20/22) Thank you for providing this service.
(2/19/22) They were positive and helpful!
(2/18/22) Excellent and well timed!
(2/16/22) That they were good, and helped me to get more motivated to do my exercises.
(2/15/22) I enjoyed these messages and I felt connected.
(2/14/22) Loved them, kept me up to date on where I should be in my recovery.
(2/13/22) Continue to do this for your next patients.
(2/8/22) Very helpful and motivated to keep me moving.
(2/8/22) Thank you for your positive messages!
(2/8/22) Liked knowing where I was compared to where I should be. Doing my own therapy this helped.
(2/8/22) I like it. Looked forward to them daily.
(2/8/22) I looked forward to the messages!
(2/8/22) Thank you. They were VERY helpful and uplifting.
(2/7/22) The messages were fun!
(2/5/22) Looked forward to daily message. Answered my questions so I did not need to call office.
(2/3/22) They Were a big help!
(2/3/22) They were so helpful!
(1/31/22) It was all informative, supportive, helpful, and I loved the joke!
(1/31/22) It was a wonderful help with my daily recovery.
(1/29/22) The messages were helpful and it made me feel like someone cared.
(1/28/22) I’m a very positive person. Not like a lot of people! But the momentum and positivity that that text gives certainly makes you feel like you’re extremely getting further along day by day! Thanks so much for an awesome program!
(1/27/22) The messages were spot on and inspired by me to work hard for my recovery.
(1/27/22) Appreciated messages, kept me in a positive frame of mind.
(1/27/22) They were very well timed and almost uncanny. I could be thinking of something and it would be addressed through text soon after. I was starting to think my phone was bugged. 😂
(1/26/22) Interesting info and felt nice to have the added tidbits of exercises, pain reliever etc.
(1/25/22) Loved all the info!
(1/25/22) Thank you so much. Loved having that personal connection feeling with my Dr. You do not get that everywhere.
(1/24/22) Just that they were VERY helpful for my recovery.
(1/24/22) Thank you. It made all the difference in staying confident with recovery.
(1/23/22) They were the best felt connected with the surgeon!
(1/23/22) Very helpful and looked forward to all the text messages and useful information.
(1/22/22) I enjoyed getting the messages to compare against what I was actually doing in physical therapy. For the most part the updates were spot on with what I was doing.
(1/20/22) These messages have been EXTREMELY helpful and encouraging.
(1/19/22) Very helpful and informative!
(1/18/22) I have nothing but positive feedback. It was extremely helpful to get daily encouragement but as importantly, reminders on where I should be in terms of progress.
(1/18/22) I found the texts answered many questions.
(1/16/22) Thank you, they’re excellent and a great way to stay connected.
(1/16/22) His encouragement was extremely helpful.
(1/16/22) Great idea that keeps you motivated and reminded to do the necessary exercises.
(1/15/22) Kept the patient informed of what to expect after surgery. A very good idea.
(1/14/22) They were very helpful and I feel helped keep me in the loop during my recovery. I will miss them,
(1/14/22) Overall I liked getting the messages and were informative.
(1/14/22) It’s a great program!
(1/13/22) They were very helpful and uplifting.
(1/13/22) I have found these messages to be informative and helped me feel encouraged and focused.
(1/13/22) Simply wonderful, encouraging, and helpful in the recovery process.
(1/12/22) It helped me to see where I should be at a certain week.
(1/11/22) Loved the texts very helpful. Actually it was like they were reading my mind. I would be thinking of a question and all of a sudden I get a text exactly what I was thinking. Spot on.
(1/11/22) The texts were informative and supportive.
(1/11/22) Kept me informed at all times.
(1/10/22) Much thanks. Even though the messages are preprogrammed one feels personal attention & encouragement. Additionally, one is given bite sized direction & reminders, more easily digestible & applicable than the huge mass of info one is (understandably) given pre & immediately post surgery.
(1/10/22) I really can’t think of any changes I would make. I think the text program is great!
(1/9/22) Keep up the great work!
(1/9/22) I thought that the messages were encouraging and helpful.
(1/6/22) This kept me informed. Positive. And each day what to expect. Exercises!! All round connected to your staff and team.
(1/4/22) I found the STREAMD text encouraging and uplifting. When I was having a hard time, the text seemed to reassure me that I will be able to go on through the pain. There was great exercise to help my physical therapist know where I needed to be.
(12/31/21) It was very helpful. An excellent resource of info and encouragement!
(12/31/21) Thank you . They were very helpful!
(12/31/21) Thought they were very helpful information and encouraging.
(12/29/21) The text messages were very helpful in reassuring me that what I was going thru was normal and expected! The links to videos for exercises, stretches, etc. were great, too!
(12/29/21) This was a great idea. I liked that I could access specific issues!
(12/28/21) It was helpful to keep me motivated especially when I had one of “those” days!
(12/28/21) Many were good, especially telling us we would have pain. Nothing was glossed over.
(12/28/21) Thank you. Was nice to watch and see you in some of them. Great to get reminders even if I know what to do!
(12/25/21) Information helped temper expectations during recovery.
(12/22/21) The messaging was excellent!
(12/22/21) Particularly liked the encouragement to keep going!
(12/22/21) Great, loved the info and support!
(12/21/21) Please keep up this service! The reminders and tips for wound care, medications, rest, and exercises have been very beneficial for my recovery. I did not feel one time that I needed to call the office for anything as the texts were so informative and well timed. I’ve been telling other providers I work with about this service and how we should consider using something similar.
(12/19/21) Keep it up. Everyone needs support during this type of recovery!
(12/19/21) The messages were timely and informative!
(12/16/21) It was very helpful. Especially info on where you should be at certain times after surgery.
(12/16/21) Keep doing it for sure!
(12/15/21) Very much helped me gauge my progress day to day. And aligned text guidance w expected timing of happening.
(12/15/21) Keep up this program. It is well designed and very helpful.
(12/14/21) I liked the encouragement!
(12/14/21) Very helpful especially early on when I would have had to look through paperwork regarding medications, exercises and timelines.
(12/13/21) Nice feature of keeping motivated, informed.
(12/9/21) I look forward to each one of your text messages!
(12/8/21) The text messages were an excellent way to keep me informed and motivated during the recovery and rehab. Thank you!
(12/8/21) It was good connection timed just right!
(12/7/21) I found the text messages very helpful!
(12/7/21) It was helpful and uplifting on bad days.
(12/6/21) Thank you for the helpful suggestions and encouragement.
(12/5/21) Very helpful. It was a nice feature.
(12/4/21) Thank you for the text messages! They have been SO helpful.
(12/3/21) The messages helped me know what to expect and feel connected.
(12/2/21) Everything is great.
(11/30/21) They are very helpful in letting me know that my healing process is normal or if I am ahead or behind especially in the beginning when it is the most difficult.
(11/28/21) They were very clear, encouraging, and just the right topic when I receive them.Please keep this feature going. These are big surgeries the patient’s house, and being able to talk with someone helps gain knowledge it is good feedback for the patient.
(11/27/21) It was very useful and motivating and made mr feel like I was not alone; was part of the process.
(11/25/21) I always looked forward to receiving them.
(11/25/21) Very helpful. My concerns were all addressed!
(11/24/21) I very much liked the message that most (maybe all) the texts implied that the patient AND the medical staff carry responsibility for the success of the operation.
(11/21/21) I really appreciated all provided. Very helpful.
(11/19/21) I loved the messages because each time I was questioning something about my recovery the message coincided with exactly what I was questioning. It was great and made me feel better about where I was in my recovery!
(11/18/21) Messages were very valuable. Definitely kept me going in the right direction. Exercises were good, but not a total substitute for in home PT. The encouraging words from the surgeon helped my attitude. Dressing change directions, excellent!
(11/18/21) All positive. I looked forward to receiving these texts.
(11/18/21) This was perfect. Loved every message.
(11/17/21) Loved them; they were very helpful.
(11/17/21) Keep doing what you are doing. Nicely done!!!!
(11/14/21) This was good. Thank you.
(11/13/21) Messages were good to keep me on point.
(11/12/21) This is an awesome and very innovative service. The daily communication, reminders, tips and encouragement made my recovery so much more tolerable and productive. I shared the texts with a friend who had a hip replacement from another doctor the day after me. She really enjoyed the texts and looked forward to me sharing them with her each day.
(11/11/21) Keep this going! Great motivational tool!
(11/7/21) Thank you! Very helpful!
(11/6/21) The messages are good, timely, and helpful.
(11/6/21) This was very helpful, answered a lot of questions and helped me understand the healing process.
(11/6/21) Very helpful in seeing if I was on track.
(11/6/21) I loved getting these - they were both helpful and motivational.
(11/5/21) It was comprehensive and uplifting and encouraging!
(11/5/21) They meant a lot. Very supportive.
(11/3/21) Great info and helpful.
(11/2/21) Thank you. Helped with the pre and post nerves.
(11/2/21) Liked messages very much.
(11/1/21) I loved the text messages, they had just enough information and were a great help and I did not have to call the doctor’s office as often. I loved the exercise videos, seeing how to do the exercises was very helpful! Keep up the good work!
(11/1/21) We loved receiving the texts, they were very helpful in assessing our progress & making sure we were improving without having to call or talk to anyone.
(11/1/21) The messages were very beneficial and answered the majority of my concerns. They also help to keep me on track with my therapy and recovery.
(10/30/21) They texts are Wonderful! So positive & helpful!
(10/28/21) Just a big thank you!
(10/27/21) Thanks for the great information!
— Quote Source
(10/27/21) I really appreciated them.
(10/25/21) I would tell her how wonderful it was to prepare me for surgery, as well as keep me informed and focused during my recovery.
(10/25/21) It helped me a lot! Some days I would start wondering about something and a text would come with the answer. (Sometimes it seemed like it could read my mind) On bad days, I would get an encouraging text! That was great!
(10/25/21) I love it. Just when I was wondering about something I would get a text answering my question.
(10/21/21) I loved the timing of the notes. They often addressed what I was dealing with that day.
(10/18/21) They was all good n very helpful
(10/18/21) They are very well thought out and giving the number to call with questions was very helpful.
(10/15/21) They were great… every step of the way.
(10/15/21) Great motivation. Felt like we were always connected. Encouraged me to continue and do more even on blue days.
(10/13/21) Wish it was around for my first knee!
(10/12/21) I like the text messages that identify where a patient should be at various stages in recovery.
(10/12/21) Great. Loved it. Educational and supportive. The timing was perfect for each phase of recovery in terms of goals to be achieved, activity level, wound care, and emotional support.
(10/9/21) It motivated me to try harder to help achieve my goal.
(10/8/21) These were helpful and timely.
(10/7/21) Everything was perfect. The best🙂
(10/5/21) I believe the text messages are very effective in maintaining an open line of communication between doctor and patient. Clearly they are carefully crafted based on much research. More days than not, the messages zeroed in on exactly what I was experiencing. I think this affirms patients and opens the door for them to call with questions if things are going differently for them. I think it’s a very positive form of communication.
(10/4/21) Really good source if information for patient on a daily basis, while recovering.
(10/4/21) Glad to have this helpful feature!
(10/4/21) Great way to keep the patient in the loop and in touch with the medical team.
(10/3/21) If I have a common question it would be awesome to be able to ask and get a response.
(10/2/21) Very helpful and encouraging
(10/1/21) I was amazed at the awesome team effort made on your individual patients recovery!! You made a huge difference in my recovery! I love you all, feels like I had the whole team helping & rooting for me 😁
(9/28/21) They are excellent and make you remember others have gone thru this. My experience was that my in home PT person would have me do an exercise the day before STREAMD showed it, so it was the perfect reminder.
(9/28/21) I felt very informed, and a lot more calm than I thought I would going into this surgery.
(9/27/21) Keep ‘em coming!!
(9/26/21) Very helpful!
(9/26/21) I really loved getting them.
(9/25/21) I liked it a lot. It helped me to know what I should be doing, regarding my recovery: able to walk 2 blocks without assistance, off narcotics, etc...
(9/24/21) I really liked the encouragement and acknowledgment of struggles too.
(9/23/21) I loved it! Very helpful and timely!
(9/22/21) Text messages provided content, comfort and reassurance during the healing process, especially since the hospital did not provide a follow up call the next day so that questions could be answered. In the absence of a point person to seek out with questions, the messages filled a content gap. The short videos demonstrating the exercises were valuable: featuring each exercise separately made it easier to focus and master.
(9/21/21) They were pleasant to receive & encouraging!
(9/21/21) They are helpful and feel as if the care is continuing.
(9/19/21) It was helpful & very productive for me.
(9/19/21) Great help. Addressed many questions I had for the most part, especially early after the surgery.
(9/18/21) The text messages were very helpful.
(9/17/21) Encouraging. This is a bigger surgery & recovery period than I expected. Even though you are told about it, it doesn’t really sink in until you are living it.
(9/16/21) Loved the joke. Also felt like I was being paid attention to, and taken care of. Thank you for that.
(9/15/21) Liked them very much.
(9/15/21) Very cool and inspiring!
(9/14/21) Keep them coming. Because many patients need that little extra boost and encouragement to continue the hard work that motivated them to get the surgery in the first place. Better mobility and quality of life.
(9/13/21) I did find them helpful and enjoyed them also.
(9/13/21) Thank you for the encouragement and information.
(9/12/21) This feature you have is fantastic. It really helped me understand where I should be each week with my progress.
(9/11/21) Keep this going. Great way to keep in touch with patients and keep us motivated.
(9/11/21) Very helpful. Thank you.
(9/10/21) It’s helpful—thanks.
(9/10/21) I think this is a great way to keep patients engaged and to make them feel more cared for, less alone.
(9/9/21) I enjoyed the texts and encouraging, positive messages.
(9/9/21) Good idea. Helps patient feel connected.
(9/9/21) Very nice to have for during recovery.
(9/9/21) Timing is perfect really helps!
(9/7/21) It’s one of the coolest things about having my surgery done.
(9/7/21) They kept me honest, in-line and motivated. They encourage healing, exercise, and a positive attitude which had made a huge difference in my recovery.
(9/7/21) The text messages were great. Both before surgery with reminders about prep etc. and after with info about what to be expecting. It seemed I would have been thinking about something (like gosh my operative seems longer) and there would then be a text saying “don’t worry if your operative leg feels longer as everyone feels that at this stage.” That is just one example but there were many like that and I felt as if I could easily contact someone with a question if I had one - although I never did. The text messages were great.
(9/7/21) So helpful, informative and encouraging. Thank you for them!
(9/6/21) I’ve enjoyed reading these texts. They are informative but most importantly they make me feel connected with and continuously supported by your care team. Thank you very much!
(9/5/21) Great service!
(9/4/21) Excellent way to communicate!
(9/1/21) Excellent idea during the recovery time!
(8/29/21) Worked great and gave me encouragement.
(8/29/21) I loved the messages, help keep me positive and less anxious. Every surgeon should use it!! Please keep it up for future patients.
(8/29/21) They were very appreciated!
(8/29/21) I like the exercise reminders and videos.
(8/27/21) I looked forward each day to the messages.
(8/26/21) I found it very helpful. I knew what exercises I should be doing and when plus expectations of where I should be in my recovery process.
(8/26/21) Very informative and felt comfortable that they kept giving information and checked on you.
(8/26/21) Helpful information and I had a feeling of being connected.
(8/24/21) Very positive. I’ve had knee replacements before in my life, but this is the first time I really felt my doctor and his medical partner were with me all the way, and were helping me achieve my goal. I cannot thank them enough!
(8/24/21) I really enjoyed that connection.
(8/23/21) The messages helped keep me on track. Recovery has ups and downs and during the downs it’s good to have a connection with positive thought.
(8/22/21) The messages assured me I was either on track or falling behind. Also they presented me with an incentive to keep positive especially regarding exercising and that fact my surgeon really cared about my progress to recovery.
(8/22/21) The text messages were wonderful and very timely and helped me stay on track.
(8/20/21) Very good and fruitful.
(8/20/21) I saw a big improvement in the recovery process as compared to the last surgery 4-1/2 years ago. I thank you for implementing this process, and am sharing with others how incredibly helpful this has been!
(8/16/21) Very helpful information and a way to feel included.
(8/15/21) I really liked getting the exercise videos as I believe they improved my strength & endurance and helped me recover faster.
(8/15/21) I think they’re good. They helped me gauge my progress and I liked the specific instructions about the meds and compression socks. It made me more comfortable to see that I only needed the pills given and didn’t need to ask if I needed a refill. I got to the point where it was time to stop wearing the compression socks, but I waited until I got the specific text, which was the next day. The messages were very beneficial!
(8/15/21) Awesome tool! Felt personal and connected to my doctor I looked forward to receiving a text message daily . Keep up the great job!
(8/14/21) They were inspirational and educational.
(8/14/21) A very positive reinforcement of the healing process.
(8/14/21) I found them very helpful.
(8/14/21) I thought it was fantastic, I can’t think of anything to add.
(8/11/21) This a good way to keep on track.
(8/10/21) I would say thanks a million!
(8/9/21) Very helpful messages and exercise videos.
(8/9/21) The messages are informative and reassuring.
(8/9/21) Was a good program making one feel connected to surgery team.
(8/8/21) Thoroughly enjoyed the texts. Helps you to understand what is going on.
(8/5/21) It’s a great and valuable tool to assist in our recovery.
(8/4/21) This is an amazing service and I wish more doctors and surgeons would take the time to offer this.
(8/4/21) I enjoyed the text system.
(8/4/21) Great service!
(8/3/21) Great information - very helpful!
(8/3/21) I think the messages were very helpful.
(8/2/21) Great program. I particularly liked the links to exercise videos. Worked much much better than video program used by the physical therapy folks.
(8/2/21) I liked it and thought it was a great idea.
(8/1/21) Very helpful to better understand my individual recovery. Thank you.
(7/30/21) I loved the messages and they were very helpfulI have!
(7/30/21) loved the streaming and it helped so very much.
(7/30/21) On many days the text would remind to keep pushing myself harder even though I already was. The early pushing helped me recover so much faster.
(7/29/21) Very helpful!
(7/28/21) Please continue with this service!
(7/28/21) I felt the messages were an excellent method to keep me on target and a positive reinforcement toward recovery.
(7/28/21) It was great reinforcement. It helped a great deal in the recovery process.
(7/27/21) Very helpful and informative.
(7/27/21) Extremely helpful, encouraging and positive messages. I really appreciate receiving them!
(7/26/21) They are helpful and kept me engaged in home program exercises.
(7/26/21) The messages were very encouraging and informative.
(7/25/21) I very much appreciated the encouragement and the feeling of being well supported.
(7/25/21) Great program. I particularly liked the links to exercise videos. Worked much much better than video program used by the physical therapy folks.
(7/24/21) They help a lot.
(7/23/21) Keep up the good work. I appreciate it!
(7/22/21) The messages were helpful in the recovery and restorative process. Seeing the actual exercises demonstrated was great.
(7/21/21) I was amazed at how targeted the messages were in relation to where I was in my recovery, I had a moment (2 weeks after surgery) that my leg really swelled and I got a text that same day saying swelling was normal and to remember to ice and elevate. Another day I was just feeling over all the exercise, and discomfort & received another timely email that it was normal to feel this way and to also know it was okay to take a rest day. I appreciated the texts and felt some work had gone into them so the right texts were hitting at the right time,
(7/21/21) Honestly nothing I loved videos I really enjoyed the talks everything was really helpful.
(7/21/21) Program helpful and brought a smile to my day. Messages are well timed to real time healing.
(7/21/21) I appreciated the ongoing connection.
(7/20/21) They are very informative and helpful. Cause sometimes I had questions, but the texts would always helped me with the answers.
(7/20/21). I enjoyed the encouragement and appreciated all the benchmark reminders.
(7/20/21) Thank you. Effective and simple way to communicate essential info and encouragement!
(7/19/21) Very helpful, especially the mental health stuff.
(7/19/21) I really enjoyed them. Kept me going.
(7/17/21) Great tool keep using it. I found it helpful and beneficial.
(7/16/21) Enjoyed it. Felt connected. Reinforced some things that I had been told.
(7/16/21) I think the process is informative and anticipates where the patient may be physically and emotionally in the road to recovery.
(7/16/21) Everything was helpful.
(7/15/21) I looked forward to getting messages to compare my progress.
(7/14/21) Thank you for creating this communication venue. It really helps with the anxiety of whether the patient is doing the right things.
(7/13/21) It was helpful!
(7/13/21) Loved the text daily therapy suggestions.
(7/12/21) I appreciated receiving your messages.
(7/12/21) Works for me, good reminders. Did not have to keep reviewing paperwork.
(7/11/21) This was a good idea.
(7/10/21) It’s excellent! Wish it had been available several years ago when I had my 1st hip replaced.
(7/9/21) Excellent! If I Had a question and about that time the text would come through or A simple word or two to the text would answer it. I really was glad to have this service.
(7/8/21) Keep it up it help knowing a connection was still there.
(7/6/21) Very timely messages.
(7/6/21) The timing and content were perfect - thank you for making the information manageable and gearing focus on the right things at the right time!
(7/6/21) Very helpful and encouraging.
(7/6/21) Thanks - many of my questions were answered.
(7/5/21) It was wonderful & helpful!
(7/5/21) I loved them 😅
(7/4/21) Very helpful and motivating.
(7/3/21) Excellent tool. Very helpful and supportive. I felt that my doctor really cared about me and my recovery.
(7/2/21) They were very close to my daily experience.
(7/1/21) Informative and helpful
(6/29/21) I think this is a very helpful tool to encourage and remind patients to work hard at physical therapy. It makes you feel like your surgeon and his staff are interested in your success after surgery.
(6/28/21) Thanks they are awesome.
(6/28/21) I found the messages to be uncannily accurate to my daily experiences. I found this to be quite reassuring.
(6/26/21) I thought it was wonderful!
(6/24/21) A huge thank you!
(6/24/21) Great way 2 keep in touch
(6/23/21) I loved the text messages as I said before. It made me feel connected, safe in my recovery. The goal comparisons were, great, exercises were great and the messages about the power of positive thinking were the best.
(6/22/21) Looked forward to receiving them.
(6/22/21) They were very helpful.
(6/21/21) Thank you for providing!
(6/18/21) I really enjoyed the messages.
(6/17/21) Loved them!
(6/15/21) answered right questions at right time!
(6/15/21) I enjoyed receiving them. I had no anxiety because of these messages.
(6/14/21) this was very helpful, thank you
(6/14/21) Right on point. Like it knew what was on my mind.
(6/13/21) Loved getting all of your texts
(6/12/21) Very helpful and supportive for the process. The timing of the text meeting my needs was awesome!
(6/10/21) Very well done!!
(6/9/21) Keep up the great work!
(6/8/21) It was great. Timed so closely to what I was experimenting. Can think of any changes.
(6/8/21) it seemed to fill my needs!
(6/7/21) Very helpful to receive a messages from my surgeon!
(6/7/21) Keep sending them, they help you to know if you’re on track with healing. Very informative.
(6/5/21) This is a great system! The texts were frequent but not overwhelming. They really seemed to correspond to what I was going through in each phase of my recovery. I felt very informed yet not overloaded with information. I wouldn’t change a thing!
(6/4/21) Gee-I’m good. Everything helped facilitate recovery!
(6/2/21) Me parece que esta excelente asi, muy completo
(6/1/21) In general, they are excellent. The topics are timely and pertinent.
(6/1/21) thanks for the help and encouragement!
(5/31/21) I have enjoyed the encouragement and info.
(5/31/21) Keep up the good work.
(5/30/21) Very helpful and liked the encouragement.
(5/28/21) The messages are very informative and motivational. I looked forward to receiving them.
(5/28/21) I am very impressed as it works now. Don’t know where to improve.
(5/28/21) Great feature for the patients to receive.
(5/28/21) Please continue this service. It boosts morale, especially in the beginning.
(5/27/21) Good idea!
(5/26/21) It is a very effective and efficient communication for the patient and I would assume for the doctor.
(5/26/21) I thought the messages were very helpful.
(5/26/21) I found the text very supportive and on time for my recovery some time surprisingly correct for my situation I was impressed and felt. Comforted to receive text gave me a since of connection I wasn’t just left out on my own. Very professional.
(5/25/21) Thank you for your services.
(5/24/21) good work!
(5/21/21) I thought they were great! Even though they’re not interactive and are formulaic, the content is well thought out, with well timed messages, and manages to feel personal.
(5/21/21) That I really like that and it was very helpful.
(5/21/21) The advice and timing were right on the money.
(5/20/21) The messages where very informative, helpful and encouraging.
(5/19/21) This is a wonderful addition to recovery tools and every patient should have this opportunity. I am so glad I was given this opportunity. Issues of pain, stiffness and emotional care would be topics to add to your program.
(5/17/21) Excellent program … very helpful.
(5/16/21) Exercises were very helpful.
(5/16/21) Thought it was a great idea.
(5/15/21) They were very helpful and answered many questions for me. They were encouraging and I looked forward to seeing them every day!!
(5/15/21) Everything was great.
(5/14/21) Great job!
(5/14/21) Very helpful, loved them.
(5/14/21) Keep it up, awesome way to keep patients health and moral up.
(5/9/21) Keep up those text messages - really a help. And loved the joke about the broken finger!
(5/6/21) Very helpful.
(5/1/21) I especially liked the exercise suggestions.
(4/30/21) I really enjoyed and liked that it was so informative and inspiring.
(4/30/21) Text messages were VERY beneficial!
(4/30/21) They were ALL great. Totally unexpected but very informative.
(4/30/21) I enjoyed reading the positive messages. It answered questions I had along the recovery process.
(4/29/21) Very helpful! Really appreciated them a great program!
(4/28/21) Very helpful. Seemed to know what I was feeling on that particular day.
(4/27/21) Very informative and felt personal.
(4/26/21) I didn’t expect so much. I appreciate all the extra information and help.
(4/24/21) Keep it up!
(4/23/21) It’s a great idea...very helpful and informative.
(4/22/21) I think they are great, kept me motivated. Gonna feel like we are breaking up!
(4/20/21) They were timely and encouraging.
(4/18/21) The information was timely & informative, very well done.
(4/17/21) Extremely helpful in the beginning. At week 4 and 5 sometimes hard to gage if I was behind or on track with recovery.
(4/16/21) This is a wonderful addition to recovery tools and every patient should have this opportunity. I am so glad I was given this opportunity. Issues of pain, stiffness and emotional care would be topics to add to your program.
(4/15/21) Once again , which you have made a solid habit of...you amaze me!!! You have put everything and more in you notes. They are extremely well written and organized. They cover all we need to know and things I had not thought of yet. And guess what, when those things did come up...I already knew the answers. Imagine that! It’s kinda of like bringing my surgeon home with me! You were friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, happy, caring, and did not talk my leg off. Haha. Even if I woke up in the middle of the night to ask you a question you were always there to answer it as always.
(4/15/21) Very helpful and kept me motivated.
(4/15/21) The messages are right on time.
The text provided answers to many of the questions I had the first few weeks after surgery.
(4/14/21) They are the next best thing to actually talking to your doctor.
(4/11/21) This really does help the patient and its certainly on point with each stage from begging to end.
(4/7/21) This is a great feature that I appreciated thru the process.
(4/6/21) Very valuable! Coincided exactly with what I was experiencing for first 4 weeks.
(4/3/21) The information that is provided in the text from the time of having the surgery til current is very helpful and very positive information , it also gives me positive feeling about myself as well.
(4/2/21) I felt that these messages understood what I was going through. They were helpful.
(4/1/21) Thank you for the helpful messages that brought connectivity and positivity all at the same time.
(4/1/21) I really enjoyed them. Felt very informed.
(4/1/21) I was very impressed and informed. I wish my therapist could have seen them.
(3/31/21) I did feel more connected to my healthcare team. With several weeks of recovery the daily text reminders helped me to stay focused on healing and served as a reminder that I wasn’t doing this alone. The content was helpful, I have at times gone back to re-read a text.
(3/30/21) Program helpful and brought a smile to my day. Messages are well timed to real time healing.
(3/29/21) I loved each day’s messages. I showed some to friends and family.
(3/29/21) Helpful in judging my progress and knowing what is normal.
(3/26/21) I really think that program is very complete ,the patient can have a guide , appropriate advice according to the case.
(3/26/21) It is a great thing you do for us. Thanks
(3/25/21) I found the process remarkable. My P T people found it very cool.
(3/24/21) Keep up the good work!
(3/23/21) I found it very comforting, informative and have encouraged others to sign up when they get their surgery.
(3/23/21) Extremely helpful.
(3/21/21) The text messages were fantastic and words of encouragement every day were invaluable!!
(3/21/21) These messages have been great! They helped me stay on track and made me laugh a few times. I know it was just a program but it made me feel like the team cares about me and my recovery. Awesome program!
(3/19/21) The text messages reminded me what I should be doing to strengthen my knee.
(3/17/21) I found the text messages very helpful from getting ready for surgery to post surgery milestones. The messages received the first 3 weeks post surgery were extremely reassuring highlighting the physical and potential mental challenges. I was actually looking forward to my 2 text a day! The ‘keyword’ to see additional information was a good source too. The exercise video were also a good tool to ensure good posture.
(3/13/21) Recommend for all patients. Helps keep mind on task.
(3/12/21) Very informative & positive.
(3/11/21) The text messages were extremely helpful as I was going through my recovery. Some days the messages came through just as I thought I would have to call with a question.
(3/9/21) The texts were so helpful- giving info that I would have not taken time to call your office. We are considering implementation of similar program for our office.
(3/9/21) Keep doing it. My family and friends were extremely impressed with the communication!
(3/9/21) Don’t change a thing. Perfection is hard to improve.
(3/8/21) Text messages were great.
(3/6/21) Truthfully I cannot think of anything I would change. The messages were both helpful and motivating.
(3/6/21) Thank you for providing this option! The daily texts were informative, encouraging and even had a personal touch with the staff videos. And YES some of the texts either anticipated or answered my concerns instead of calling the office.
(3/6/21) I enjoy getting messages daily.
(3/6/21) It is a really good resource to use pre and post surgery for patients.
(3/5/21) Keep it up!
(3/3/21) These were very helpful text. Receiving a daily message on what to expect after surgery saved me from calling the nurses and PA on a few occasions.
(3/1/21) Very beneficial, well timed
(3/1/21) The messages were both helpful and motivating.
(2/27/21) Text messages were exceptionally helpful! I found myself looking forward to them because they indicated milestones I was achieving or gave me permission to begin everyday activities I was missing. I loved them. Brilliant idea!!!
(2/27/21) I found the process remarkable. My P T people found it very cool. They were impressed at the facility.
(2/26/21) These texts felt like they were aimed right at me and I appreciated and looked forward to receiving them daily. Knowing what to expect, or what was coming up, along with exercises, was so helpful! Thank you so much!
(2/25/21) So, silliness aside, STREAMD is spectacular. I’m sure it cuts down on routine questions to your staff, but I’m one of those people who would not pick up the phone unless I really thought I had a problem. It was nice to have my “dumb” questions answered in text at the very moment I was thinking them. Thank you :)
(2/25/21) Thank you very much I’ve never experienced such great help after surgery.
(2/23/21) They were very helpful and answered many of my questions.
(2/23/21) The messages have been easy to understand and very helpful.
(2/22/21) This program gave me encouragement and motivation to keep working on exercises.
(2/22/21) The messages received lined up pretty close to my recovery timeline. For e smoke, the knee flex goal and knowing what degree I should be at was very helpful and motivating. Also the goal of getting off the pain meds was also helpful in getting off the narc meds. The exercises and videos were helpful.
(2/22/21) Very helpful. It answered questions that I was having at the exact time it arrived.
(2/20/21) Think the text messages are a good idea!
(2/20/21) I felt very connected to the surgeon who performed my knee replacement because of the text messages. They seemed to answer all of the questions and concerns I had.
(2/19/21) I was very impressed with the text messages and imbedded videos. It kept me on track with what I needed to do and provided some answers to concerns along the way to improvement of my condition after surgery.
(2/19/21) This was such a great idea and I’m SO happy I signed up for the STREAMD text messages. They were perfect as far as I’m concerned. They were VERY encouraging and informative and more times than not came at just the right time for what was happening with me and what I needed to hear on that particular day. The messages made me feel less discouraged (apparently I’m hard on myself) and they also made me feel very cared for.
(2/19/21) Loved them! My husband and I joked that Dr. must have put a chip in my knee during surgery, because it seemed everytime I was wondering about something, the answer would pop up in the next text
(2/17/21) They were excellent, encouraging and motivating.
(2/15/21) They were unexpectedly loved and enjoyed! They REALLY DO give you a sense of personal care from the Dr. We BRAGGED about them to the PT Dr and all of our family and friends! Keep sending them to your surgical patients...they ARE inspiring!
(2/11/21) Very validating & helpful.
(2/9/21) The messages before and after surgery were definitely appreciated!
(2/5/21) Thank you, thank you!
(2/2/21) Liked texts. Read them each day. Followed the exercise suggestions. Helped with my some questions , impatience feelings, n boredom.
(2/1/21) They were really worth it.
(1/29/21) This was a brilliant idea. I feel my doctor was in close contact with me throughout the whole process. That was Huge!
(1/29/21) Very personal. Encouraging!
(1/29/21) Very helpful and important!
(1/28/21) These were very helpful. Motivated me and helped me know where I should be with my recovery.
(1/28/21) I thought it was 👏 awesome it worked for me 😀
(1/26/21) Shows surgeon has continued interest during recovery!
(1/26/21) Really made me feel connected and answered questions that I had.
(1/26/21) Encouraging messages just when needed.
(1/26/21) They’re very supportive and the home PT’s seem to like them too!
(1/25/21) It’s an excellent system to communicate with patient and physician.
(1/24/21) The STREAMD messages were great and I looked forward to them each day. Thank you for being so thoughtful. Your whole team has been great.
(1/24/21) I found it to be very helpful. It wasn’t always in line with my recovery but I know it’s different for everyone.
(1/23/21) Liked getting STREAMD it let you know where you were at in your recovery and what you needed to do and what to expect!
(1/23/21) Very informative and timely.
(1/21/21) I appreciated the suggestions!
(1/21/21) The encouragement helped me know I would be all right, that I would be able to walk and work again without pain.
(1/21/21) Thanks for the help!
(1/19/21) Best idea and very informative!
(1/19/21) Best daily connection to the practice and great reminders!
(1/19/21) Very creative, reassuring, and caring.
(1/18/21) Think they are great and keep you on your goals!
(1/18/21) Great idea! Kept exercises moving forward. Loved having the video clip to be sure I was doing it correctly.
(1/17/21) I always looked forward to receiving these and shared with my family and physical therapists.
(1/17/21) Very helpful and important!
(1/16/21) Positive attitude easily conveyed. Very uplifting.
(1/15/21) Keep them coming. Awesome 😎
(1/14/21) I loved it!
(1/12/21) I really looked forward to receiving them. They were helpful, encouraging and at times made me feel like what I was experiencing was not unusual.
(1/11/21) Text messages were uplifting and helpful.
(1/11/21) Absolutely marvelous!
(1/11/21) Helpful and motivating!
(1/10/21) Appreciated the encouragement!
(1/5/21) Very pleased with all the program!
(1/4/21) I really enjoyed them!
(1/4/21) The content matched my situation and needs almost perfectly.
(1/2/21) Absolutely marvelous!
(1/1/21) I found the text very supportive and on time for my recovery some time surprisingly correct for my situation I was impressed and felt. Comforted to receive text gave me a since of connection I wasn’t just left out on my own. Very professional.
(12/31/20) I felt like I wasn’t alone during my recovery!
(12/31/20) It was good that questions were answer in a light hearted way and with sensitivity and positivity.
(12/29/20) I appreciate the information and the exercise videos.
(12/29/20) Especially for the first week or two post-op the text messages provided needed information and reassurance.
(12/28/20) It was great I looked forward to the text and suggestions
(12/28/20) Very much appreciated the daily texts. Definitely helped to keep me motivated. Thank you.
(12/27/20) Very helpful. Love the wall slides!
(12/25/20) Enjoyed getting them, found them very helpful. Thought it was a wonderful idea.
(12/24/20) Very nice to know that the team remained interested in my postoperative course.
(12/23/20) Found the info on expected progress to be helpful.
(12/22/20) I LOVE the text messages and links to exercises. They gave me a sense of knowing what is coming up and/or how I was doing. I believe they should have this text program for other health treatments. My sister is getting treated for Breast Cancer and something like this would help her. Especially with COVID restrictions - healing can be a lonely experience.
(12/22/20) Encouragement helped, videos were informative.
(12/20/20) Love the concept and the messages. They reassured me when feeling different aches or pains.
(12/19/20) Novel plan to add great information to my recovery.
(12/19/20) I’ll begin to look forward to them found a Few Exercises and I found quite helpful.
(12/17/20) I found the text very supportive and on time for my recovery some time surprisingly correct for my situation I was impressed and felt. Comforted to receive text gave me a since of connection I wasn’t just left out on my own. Very professional.
(12/16/20) Good timing with the appropriate messages.
(12/14/20) The messages were useful and informative
(12/14/20) Very helpful and informative. I appreciated each daily text.
(12/12/20) Very uplifting!
(12/11/20) Thanks for this program... had one knee several yrs ago w/o the program.... now this surgery with texts. HUGE DIFFERENCE in impact on my recovery... physically and mentally!! Thx
(12/10/20) Greatest connection with my doctor ever!
(12/10/10) Very Encouraging!
(12/10/10) Loved these - thank you!
(12/7/20) This was great. It seemed like they were perfectly timed with what I was experiencing. If I got a new pain I’d get a message about getting different sensations. If I was a little down in the dumps I’d get a message that it’s normal to feel theses things. Great service to have available and I loved the PT videos.
(12/7/20) Well done. Right amount of info.
(11/30/20) I have enjoyed these messages very much!
(11/28/20) Liked them and looked forward to seeing them. Nice personal way of feeling involved and someone looking out for us and reminding us to do the needed and right things.
(11/27/20) Every text that I received was exactly what I needed at the time. Keep this technology in place for all future surgical patients!!
(11/27/20) Excellent system! All doctors should follow your system!
(11/27/20) I loved it and told my family and friends.
(11/26/20) Continue with these messages; very appropriate and informative about what to expect and what one’s progress should at least look like for them.
(11/24/20) I think this is a great system, I found it very helpful.
(11/24/20) Loved it!! Such a great idea!!
(11/23/20) I found it very helpful and encouraging!
(11/22/20) This service is awesome and is a huge help getting you through the first few weeks of recovery. Thankful for the videos.
(11/20/20) I felt like the text messages were very timely and informationally appropriate each week and coincided with the progression of recovery.
(11/19/20) I think the videos & exercise hints were helpful. Also, I thought the pre-op texts were helpful.
(11/19/20) Nice service, thank you!
(11/18/20) I very much enjoyed the encouragement, helpful hints and exercise tips and suggestions.
(11/18/20) Very helpful and useful!
(11/15/20) Liked getting STREAMD messages; it let you know where you we’re at in your recovery and what you needed to do and what to expect.
(11/13/20) These were helpful and likely saved staff time.
(11/13/20) Thank you. I think this helped me to keep focus and really enjoyed the positive messages!
(11/13/20) A very big and heartfelt “thank you!”
(11/13/20) I looked forward to the messages. They frequently answered concerns or questions I was thinking about at that time.
(11/12/20) I love the text everyday. I looked forward to it each day.
(11/12/20) I thought it covered everything well, keep it up!
(11/12/20) I loved it. It literally answered questions that I had on exact days of the texts.
(11/9/20) The information was always helpful and I felt still connected to my surgeon and comforted with issues which had concerned me before the messages popped up! I also looked forward to the exercise instructions and videos that were sent as I was just ready for the next levels of exercise.
(11/7/20) They were excellent. They told me things to expect so when they occurred, I was not worried!
(11/6/20) I hope all doctors do this!
(11/6/20) This was extremely helpful!
(11/5/20) Excellent tool for your patients to have as a resource, reassured me with discussion about many things that I was unsure of. The exercise videos were very handy, and I looked back at them many times.
(11/4/20) I was very satisfied, excellent job!
(11/2/20) This is a great offering!
(10/30/20) Super idea!
(10/25/20) EXCELLENT CHOICE & THANK YOU! They were very helpful in helping me to know where I should be at, what to watch for, etc. A HUGE blessing!
(10/24/20) It was encouraging and usually spot on. The day I felt down and discouraged, for example, there was a message about depression. I felt better to know this was a common issue at that time.
(10/21/20) Everything was very helpful!
(10/20/20) I thought it was very helpful, and really some days when I did not feel like doing anything, a text would come across with encouraging texts.
(10/17/20) I loved the text feature. It often served as a great reference for me to answer questions that I thought of.
(10/12/20) Thank you for creating such a personal and great tool of information!
(10/12/20) I really thought they were inspirational and felt connected with correct and helpful information.
(10/9/20) It’s a wonderful, reassuring, and encouraging program. Very impressed.
(10/8/20) I liked getting these messages!
(10/8/20) Very impressed with the timing of the information. A little freaky on how spot on the information was at times.
(10/8/20) Really enjoyed all of the information and how I knew what to expect along the journey. Loved all of the texts but especially the exercises with video instructions that were added as we went along.
(10/6/20) I appreciate all the messages. I felt like they were thinking about my progress.
(10/4/20) This was a very good experience!
(10/3/20) They always seemed to come when I needed a pick me up.
(10/2/20) I think the text stream really helped me.
(10/2/20) I was encouraged and it felt like I have been receiving phone calls everyday to keep me on my way . It has been a better experience than I could have hoped for .....
(10/2/20) I found them perfectly timed to where I was in my recovery, and sometimes it was eerie; the text arrived when I was thinking about where I was that day or how I felt. I looked forward to them.
(10/1/20) Don’t stop doing this. I loved and appreciated it.
(9/30/20) The STREAMD text messages were wonderful —- they made me feel “connected” and provided reassurance that I was progressing appropriately! I looked forward to my daily messages! 😊
(9/28/20) I am the caregiver and the messages helped tremendously. They let us know that our experience was NORMAL. Helped to quell anxiety with the patient.
(9/28/20) Very helpful, especially informing me of standard recovery progress of other patients.
(9/24/20) These messages were incredibly impressive!
(9/24/20) The messages were very informative and helpful.
(9/20/20) Continue for all future patients!
(9/18/20) It helped me to know that what I was experiencing was normal and gave me the encouragement to keep moving forward. I also liked the pre-surgery texts telling me that it was ok to be nervous and reassured that everything was going to be fine.
(9/17/20) I used your messages as a way to gauge MY progress compared to avg... I really had prepared ahead for MY surgery ...had no idea what MY response would be after surgery ...so messages helped me w/ that 😊
(9/15/20) Such a great way to keep on recovery journey. Uplifting.
(9/13/20) I loved the added exercises! The videos were helpful as well.
(9/3/20) I thought the messages were right on and encouraging.
(8/31/20) I really enjoyed receiving these messages!
(8/31/20) All of the text messages were very helpful!
(8/30/20) Very helpful during recovery!👍
(8/29/20) It was very complete and seemed to know just what I was thinking.
(8/29/20) The messages very complete and seemed to know just what I was thinking.
(8/28/20) I thought they were great! Even though they’re not interactive and are formulaic, the content is well thought out, with well timed messages, and manages to feel personal.
(8/28/20) The STREAMD messages were timely and gave me good support!
(8/24/20) The message was always positive and I felt like the team really cared
(8/23/20) Thank you for offering this to your patients. When I told my family about it, they had never had it offered to them before. It made me proud that my doctor was so savvy about things like this.
(8/23/20) The messages were always positive and I felt like they really cared.
(8/21/20) Enjoyed knowing I was making progress at certain intervals!
(8/19/20) Very helpful and many were reminders about where and what you should be doing!
(8/19/20) Thank you for caring so much.
(8/17/20) This was perfect!
(8/11/20) Keep doing! Easy to use. Topics were helpful.
(8/9/20) This has been very helpful especially during this time of covid isolation.
(8/4/20) I thought it was VERY helpful and helped me to remember things I should or shouldn’t do.
(8/1/20) I love them. They let me know I was on track!
(8/1/20) I really liked everything, positive comments from the doctor were helpful.
(7/31/20) I liked the texts . It gave me good information and something to look forward to as well as to gauge my progress.
(7/31/20) Great way to know things were going well after surgery. When I needed to review something that I was unsure about but knew it was covered, I used the keyword to get the info again. That was my favorite tool.
(7/31/20) STREAMD - Continue the good work.
(7/30/20) I enjoyed the messages. They were very encouraging.
(7/25/20) Enjoyed the videos and personal messages!
(7/24/20) I felt being taken care of!
(7/24/20) The text messages were very helpful with the videos of the exercises that were appropriate for my post operative time.
(7/22/20) Definitely keep them up. Hate to see them go!
(7/21/20) Great part of the healing process!
(7/19/20) These texts were timely and relevant. They truly helped me feel supported during my recovery. They saved me having to call several times.
(7/19/20) Thank you for offering this program. It was motivational as well as inspirational.
(7/18/20) This was an invaluable resource before/ after surgery.
(7/18/20) Thank you for the upbeat and positive info!
(7/17/20) Helpful dealing with progress and timeline. Moderately entertaining.
(7/17/20) I think the text stream really helped me!
(7/17/20) Thanks - they were very helpful.
(7/13/20) Thank you for the upbeat and positive info.
(7/13/20) I don’t know how the messages can be any better than they are!
(7/12/20) The upbeat messages were awesome!
(7/11/20) I loved them! The positive comments were encouraging. The exercises and tasks were great reminders and seem to be addressed just at the appropriate times. They were awesome! Thanks!!!
(7/9/20) I found these helpful and encouraging especially with all the Covid precautions. It helped to feel like you weren’t so much on your own.
(7/9/20) Really like them and well timed for your stage of recovery.
(7/8/20) I really felt connected with this service. It covered all bases. Thank you.
(7/7/20) Very helpful. I’m glad I had the service. PT exercises were helpful, as well as texting for more info if needed. And there was a lot of good info.
(7/6/20) I loved them. It made me feel more secure.
(7/3/20) The messages were very helpful and supportive. I was amazed how often they were exactly what I needed that day.
(6/30/20) I’ve enjoyed this service; the exercises are very helpful, the messages very encouraging.
(6/30/20) This is an excellent resource!
(6/29/20) This was great, keep it up!
(6/29/20) They made my recovery easier. I looked forward to a text daily. The encouragement was so beneficial.
(6/28/20) I was pleased with the variety of information. Sometimes the answer to my concern was answered as I developed the concern! It’s been a good way to stay engaged with my healing and stay motivated. Thank you!
(6/28/20) This is the Best system out there, very efficient!
(6/28/20) The messages are great!
(6/22/20) I thought that all the messages were well geared to my healing needs.
(6/18/20) Appreciate the contact, information helpful especially when trying to remember discharge instructions.
(6/16/20) They helped lift me up and give me confidence to succeed!
(6/15/20) Messages were very informative & encouraging
(6/9/20) Excellent resource!
(5/29/20) Great message, keep them up!
(4/25/20) It really helped to encourage me to follow my recovery plan! Love this team!
(4/23/20) I appreciated the texts and all my care team did to stay in touch during my recovery!
(4/23/20) Great way to help and encourage your patients!
(4/22/20) I really liked it. The responses were fast and helped me in my recovery! I like how the videos show you how to do your exercises at home. And I had a choice of which exercises to do that helped me individually without doing them all.
(4/20/20) It keeps a patient more in touch with the surgeon, and the that he/she is willing to do and care for his patient.
(4/17/20) Thank you for these text messages!
(4/17/20) Thank you so much, you are amazing!
(4/17/20) All the information was very helpful. It’s like the text was reading my thoughts.
(4/16/20) Excellent manner of communication motivation!
(4/15/20) The texts encouraged me and I felt like I wasn’t left to totally fend for my own self. They cheered me on.
(4/14/20) They were especially helpful to those spending some of their recovery time alone. I looked forward to all of the reminders and encouraging messages.
(4/9/20) Loved the information- it was very helpful.
(4/9/20) Just a big thank you!
(4/7/20) Very helpful and most texts were very timely!
(4/7/20) Thank you for providing these messages!
(4/5/20) It was very uplifting when receiving these messages. Have reminders, encouragement and some exercises with Demo was perfect.
(4/5/20) Very helpful! Lets me know what I’m experiencing is similar to others.
(4/2/20) It’s very helpful. Makes me feel like I’m not going through this alone!
(3/31/20) Great idea! This cheered me up.
(3/24/20) STREAMD has helped me immensely. It was great motivation.
(3/23/20) This was such a valuable part of the whole surgical and recovery process. Each time I’d have a thought or concern, I’d receive a text that related to it. It was like they were reading my mind!
(3/19/20) Great getting pleasant daily reminders. Made me feel that the team cared and that I am not alone. Also, addressed some of my concerns.
(3/17/20) I looked forward to receiving them, liked the new exercises which were consistent with my PT, and they were very upbeat & cheerful.
(3/17/20) A great way to stay in touch and know that common issues are normal. Recovery can be lonely and messages cheered me up!
(3/15/20) It’s awesome, videos helped me a lot, if all patients follow these instructions, all will have a successful and fast recovery.
(3/15/20) I thought it was a great tool for info and was motivating at the same time. Felt more like a personal connection.
(3/14/20) I thank you so much for sending me updates on new excersise to help help me recover, the encouraging words, advice and the videos. I also liked that I can text a word like STEPS, and I receive information back through my text, rather than calling back and fourth to the clinic asking questions. The system worked fine for me. Thank you so much.
(3/14/20) The timing of the messages aligned well the timing of my recovery.
(3/10/20) This is a great resource for the patient!
(3/5/20) They often answered a question that I had and I did not have to call the office. Very comforting!
(3/4/20) I felt like I was a day ahead of the text messages I would go to the health club and ride a stationary bike and then I would see the stationary bike video I saw the leg press video the same day I was leg pressing with lightweight almost like somebody was watching me. :)
(3/4/20) Keep up the encouragement!
(3/3/20) This is a good way to feel connected!
(3/1/20) I’m glad he signed up for it The new exercises were helpful Even showing how to do them was great
I would like to see a chronology of how I should feel after certain periods of time.
(2/29/20) Thank you STREAMD, these messages are excellent and helpful!
(2/28/20) Love these message, a great recovery tool!
(2/28/20) I looked forward to each daily message and it was great to have them to review and share with my PT.
(2/28/20) STREAMD is great as is. Loved the insight and humor.
(2/23/20) These messages are very helpful to know where you are in the process of healing.
(2/21/20) The messages were extremely helpful. And just about the time I had an issue, a message would arrive addressing it. It helped make this a great experience!!
(2/20/20) Thank you! Very honest feedback- understanding the road to recovery isn’t all easy!
(2/18/20) These messages are a great program!
(2/9/20) Very informative. Very positive. I actually looked forward to the daily message. The PT appreciated the info to compare her training progress.
(2/6/20) Very helpful and encouraging. Thank you!
(2/5/20) The messages make you feel cared about & not just a number.
(1/31/20) I enjoyed receiving them and thought that they were very helpful!
(1/28/20) I think it was very helpful especially when videos are sent to show how to do exercises.
(1/24/20) The messages are very motivational- thank you!
(1/17/20) Positive step forward in patient communication!
(1/15/20) The messages were very helpful especially with the exercises to strengthen my knee and leg after surgery!
(1/14/20) Messages provided much needed motivation and answered questions.
(1/8/20) This is a great service. The STREAMD service was very helpful!
(1/7/20) Nice feature. I like the exercise videos and doctors’ videos the most. Appreciated the texts about depression. I have learned a lot from this surgery.
(1/3/20) I absolutely felt these messages kept me on track and helped me throughout my recovery. I truly appreciated having these messages. Very valuable asset! I would recommend this service to every patient as they were most helpful!
(12/30/19) The program is simple and easy for us Seniors!
(12/26/19) Kindly continue sending these messages to new patients. They are very helpful!
(12/25/19) The messages were extremely helpful and very timely.
(12/15/19) I loved “hearing” from the team daily.
(12/11/19) Excellent way to motivate your patients and add a personal touch!
(12/11/19) I love these STREAMD messages a lot!
(12/5/19) I was so encouraged by them. It was like they read my mine and the messages answered my questions. It was like talking to my doctor.
(12/3/19) Please never stop with these positive texts after a very trying surgery!
(12/1/19) I think the videos and text messages answered a lot of questions and is good for people that are at home during their recovery.
(11/27/19) This is a very good idea. It makes you feel like your not alone in this long process!
(11/19/19) Helps keep me informed and in contact. Very timely messages.
(11/14/19) I thought they were great! They were very timely in terms of the recuperation process.
(11/12/19) Great program. Motivational, uplifting and informative.
(11/8/19) It is Awesome and keeps you connected post surgery!
(11/8/19) STREAMD text messages reminded me to perform different exercises in a timely manner and be patient with the recovery during painful time from the surgery. Please continue these very helpful messages in future.
(11/8/19) Very helpful! Great reminders and positivity about rehabilitation!!! Thank you!
(11/3/19) The STREAMD messages are informative and encouraging.
(11/3/19) Informative, supportive, encouraging, positive!
(11/2/19) Excellent service. Felt encouraged by them!
(10/26/19) Very helpful to know I had medical support during recovery. Helped to know I was on track with healing.
(10/22/19) The STREAMD messages were great and helped me to stay positive and on tract with my exercises.
(10/22/19) Enjoyed the STREAMD messages, felt more supported, connected!
(10/20/19) Great idea! Very helpful to your practice too, I’m sure.
(10/19/19) Please continue this because it gives information and encouragement!
(10/18/19) I thought the daily contact and encouragement was very productive.
(10/8/19) The text messages were right on point. When I was questioning things in my mind the text for that day was spot on to answer my question. I was amazed at the timing.
(9/26/19) Sometimes I had a question for the team and the message sent that day answered it. So I never had to call the office!
(9/22/19) The message are wonderful they keep you focus at times you get down and the texts come in on time to motivate you to continue to do better!
(9/17/19) STREAMD helped me feel I was on task and moving forward.
(9/13/19) I really liked the messages, especially when you have a bad day!
(9/10/19) I really enjoyed getting the texts because it seemed they arrived at the same time I had a question.
(8/30/19) Great job! Please keep these messages going!!
(8/30/19) I was so encouraged and thankful for this service!
(8/29/19) It was pleasant and inspiring for me to achieve my daily workouts toward the goal of getting fully recovered!
(8/25/19) These messages really helped me stay focused on healing and not over doing things!!
(8/23/19) The messages were informative and helpful. They brought to mind things i had not considered!
(8/15/19) I love the messages, it made me feel good like someone cared about my feelings
(8/11/19) I liked the encouragement texts. Sometimes I needed the smile. And the answers to things you may not have thought about or embarrassed to ask.
(8/10/19) They were very good; emotional support used to come from post-op PT. This helps supplant that.
(8/7/19) I have never worked with a text messaging program. It was like having a therapist on hand when needed. Being the first time I have nothing to compare it to!! I was impressed and all orthopedic surgeons should try this technique!👍
(8/7/19) Excellent idea! It seemed like I had someone with me as I was going through my recovery!
(8/1/19) The messages were very motivating. They made me feel part of a community with common goals.
(7/28/19) The messages were great - I looked forward to them every day!
(7/25/19) STREAMD, Keep providing text messages for your patients!
(7/23/19) The messages were well timed with helpful information. The texts were also very encouraging.
(7/22/19) Keep providing text messages for your patients, these are awesome!
(7/21/19) I appreciated the messages as reminders.... and the videos were interesting.... and helpful!
(7/15/19) I appreciate them, I always felt connected to the doctor’s office!
(7/7/19) iI feel that My Surgeon has done a PHENOMENAL JOB with the STREAMD text messages I couldn’t ask for more.
(7/7/19) I think everything is great, and I enjoy sharing the text messaging with my friends and family. The messages are great reminders. The best thing ever!!
(7/4/19) The messages were so helpful and timely! So often just what I was experiencing or feeling would have a video come to help me and let me know I was ok and my feelings normal. Thank you so much. It made me feel very connected to the surgeon!
(7/3/19) It worked well and I am very thankful for the messages. I especially found the videos helpful. I still have all the messages on my phone and they will remain there for several months so I look back as needed.
(6/25/19) I thought STREAMD was an incredible service
(6/15/19) I really appreciated the contact and felt supported!
(6/11/19) STREAMD was a wonderful addition to my recovery and one I greatly appreciated.
(6/8/19) It was like having someone from the office there with me!
(6/7/19) I am glad I signed up! They were very helpful in easing my mind, telling me what I should be doing and answering questions.
(6/6/19) The messages helped to keep me motivated and to take it one step at a time as it takes time to heal.
(5/30/19) The support was nice to get. Lots of encouragement and good information. Helped to keep me motivated.
(5/21/19) Great text messages, very much appreciated!
(5/18/19) These messages were very helpful, they relieved a lot of anxiety!
(5/17/19) Very happy I got this service!!
(5/15/19) The STREAMD text messages were extremely helpful and kept me motivated to continue working the knee.
(5/11/19) I found STREAMD has been invaluable motivation and encouragement to keep moving and doing all I need to recovery properly and have the best outcome from the very aggressive knee replacement surgery. Emails are sent in such strategic order of the recovery process. Right when I begin to be concerned about being bruised and sore I receive an email saying bruising and soreness is common and just keep icing. Streamd is the perfect tool to coach patients along the recovery path. I found this tool invaluable.
(5/8/19) The STREAMD messages were very encouraging and helpful!
(5/1/19) I think it’s a great system and made me feel more comfortable about getting through the whole ordeal and I appreciated the encouragement and reminders.
(4/28/19) These messages were incredibly supportive and made me feel like the whole team really cared about my outcome. It made me feel like what I was going through was completely normal. Loved the text messages.
(4/28/19) They encouraged me and let me knew I was doing everything I was supposed to!
(4/13/19) Felt like the messages helped me feel like I was on track with my recovery!
(4/1/19) Excellent benefit very timely and videos helpful to see form used.
(3/30/19) It was right on with my rehab. It was supportive and motivating!
(3/26/19) Keep up the STREAMD, it’s very helpful!
(3/20/19) Great feature looked forward to texts everyday during recovery, glad that my surgeon felt this was a necessary part of his practice
(3/16/19) I absolutely loved the engagement from these text messages. Sometimes I felt like I just couldn’t do anything and a message would come up showing an exercise so I would try it out or remember I haven’t done my own exercises and do them.
(3/14/19) The messages were very helpful and timely!
(3/12/19) Extremely helpful and informative. As a patient I felt a personal connection which was inspirational!
(3/10/19) Felt the STREAMD messages were helpful & made me feel like I was still being thought about.
(3/4/19) Keep it up. Very positive and powerful!
(2/28/19) The text messages have been very inspiring and encouraging! When frustration would set in, a text would arrive that would encourage me. I told my husband that I will truly miss the texts, for everyday I looked forward to them! Dr. and his team have made a very painful rehabilitation most bearable. I am very thankful!
(2/26/19) Great idea! Positive feedback! You started a Trend! Encore!!!!
(2/22/19) Text messages were clear and helpful especially the couple of weeks after surgery. I knew what to expect and it helped me get through some tough days.
(1/31/19) Great service . Keep using it. Encourage more doctors/hospitals to use it
(1/30/19) It was good to see a doctor’s practice so involved.
(1/30/2019) I can’t imagine adding a thing! No surgeon has ever offered that sort of support before; always got everything from my PT.
(1/28/19) This is the best idea ever to keep in contact with patients via txt and lead them thru the recovery process & physical therapy exercises.Always looked forward to getting my txt messages and they were always pertinent to where I was & what I was thinking in the post-surgery process.
(1/28/19) Great idea! Love the encouragement
(1/27/19) Motivating!!
(1/22/19) I appreciate how timely these messages and videos were. They have been in sync with my physical therapy. Even though I know the video messages are not created just for me, I still felt a personal connection to my surgeon!
(1/16/19) the STREAMD messages kept me motivated and know what to expect!
(1/15/19) First experience with this & I thought it was great!
(1/6/19) Well done! Motivational and uplifting. Timing of receipt of these message was uncanny at times. Videos were also helpful for PT.
(1/1/19) The text seemed to come in at the most appropriate times and were quite motivating!
(12/29/18) I was amazed as to how timely and on point the messages were. A great addition to rehab!
(12/28/18) I really liked and appreciated the daily support. These really helped my recovery!
(12/26/18) Very helpful and encouraging!! Especially when I needed a boost in weeks 2-3
(12/22/18) I really like that I was notified that I would have swelling in my extremity. That was very scary. I really feel icing helped it.
(12/20/18) They were a good source of information and encouraging. I really liked the videos of the various exercises!
(12/19/18) The STREAMD texts made the difference in my rehab success!
(12/14/18) I think this was a wonderful idea and helped me immensely I wish I can give on some advice that will improve it but I think it’s pretty efficient the way it is.
(12/12/18) U guys r exceptional when it comes treating the patient from your expertise as a surgeon to the videos I received for support while going through my therapy. the videos were a truly added bonus!
(12/11/18) The messages were very informative & helped keep my ultimate goals in sight & within reach!
(11/29/18) The messages are very encouraging and helpful.
(11/28/18) 3 words: Helpful, motivating, supportive
(11/28/18) STREAMD has added a defining element of the whole experience
(11/27/18) The text messages were extremely helpful and such a great idea!
(11/22/18) I really enjoyed texts and looked forward to them. They made me feel more assured about my recovery.
(11/13/18) These messages were so helpful! Kept me going when I was ready to give up
(11/13/18) I really appreciated the staff introduction videos and the start/stop medication reminders as well as the videos of exercises.
(11/11/18) The messages were very positive and supportive.
(11/10/18) Please continue to text message because they are very positive!
(11/3/18) I think the messages are generally very helpful. When you have a surgery like this, it is, as a matter of circumstance, isolating. And, if you read the literature and go into things with your eyes open, you inderstand that there can be complications. All in all, it is a frightening experience even with great doctors. So, it is nice to get messages or caution, affirmation and encouragement!
(10/23/18) I liked getting the messages made me feel on track with where I should be.
(10/23/18) I really enjoyed the messages. They were good positive reinforcement.
(10/22/18) Loved the messages. Reminded me to focus on PT even when your starting back to work. You are tired but the exercises are important.
(10/9/18) Great idea!!! Helpful with hip & knee replacement.👍
(10/7/18) - The text messages provided Helpful advice and encouragemen1
(10/7/18) - All texts were timely and appropriate! Thank you.
(9/25/18) These texts were excellent. I trusted the messages all the way through!
(9/15/18) Enjoyed reading the messages daily which helped me to push on!
(9/9/18) I was extremely happy with StreaMD! Loved getting the messages.
(9/8/18) The messages really kept me motivated on the days I was feeling down. I was very happy with STREAMD!
(9/5/18) I love the consistent positive reinforcement including refreshers on exercises we leaned in class. I felt the Dr was personally invested in my well being and availabile if I needed to contact him. It felt like my success was a team effort .
(9.4.18) These messages are great! Felt like a real personal touch.
(9/1/18) I live alone. Messages helped motivate me after the first two weeks when I had care companions. I enjoyed the reminders. Messages were very positive and encouraging. I cannot think of anything I would change!
(8/30/18) I enjoyed the messages and found them reassuring.
(8/25/18) Positive info! The messages felt relavant. Made me chuckle :)
(8/23/18) These messages helped me so much!
(8/21/18) I found the text messages to be very encouraging, reassuring and informative. A very welcome addition to the recovery process.
(8/20/18) The StreaMD messages were a great resource for remembering how to do the exercises!
(8/19/18) I found the StreaMD messages very encouraging, helpful and motivating. I looked forward to receiving them each day.
My P.T. Workers said other doctors are not doing this. I am so glad you are sending these texts. I feel I was fortunate to have a Surgeon who does this. Please continue this practice. I think your patients will be grateful for the texts. It makes us feel that you care. For many of us, this is the 1st joint replacement surgery we have undergone. we don’t know what to expect. I keep us “on target”! It is very helpful to receive these messages.
(8/8/18) Was very impressed with how timely and relatable content of messages was. Most times the messages were so on point i started to feel like you had a direct link and could hear or see me. No kidding almost always my patient and i would just talk aboutt something or just finished a new technique and the messages would come in within minutes. Even PT was surprised!!!
(8/5/18) I thought the daily texts were amazing. They helped me tremendously stay on task and be in control of my recovery. I was very impressed with the videos and the texts that included encouragement to get back to normal living!
(8/2/18) These StreaMD messages are so very positive and keeps you motivated!
(7/28/18) This series was excellent. Thank you!
(7/22/18) Everyone was very impressed with the videos when I showed my physical therapist!
(7/17/18) It was helpful to see the exercises rather than just receive a verbal description!
(7/14/18) The texts were timely based on my personal progress and motivating and kept me focused.
(7/13/18) I was very impressed with this service!
(7/9/18) I read them daily....it helped me manage my expectations and reduced some anxiety.
(6/30/18) Appreciated receiving reminders and input!
(6/25/18) Simply “Thank You”! Keep them coming.
(6/21/18) Sometimes I felt you could hear me talking and addressed the exact thing I had been discussing with someone! :)
(6/21/18) The StreaMD messages were very helpful and timely. Appreciated the motivational texts and liked the exercise videos!
(6/18/18) A good way to address many questions that may not get asked otherwise. Excerise recommendations very helpful!
(6/17/18) StreaMD is an excellent method to provide information and support.
(6/16/18) The encouragement in the message was greatly appreciated!
(6/16/18) Excellent help in the recovery process. Texts seemed to be right on target with my moods and abilities following surgery!
(6/13/18) I loved receiving the texts! They kept me on track.
(6/13/18) The StreaMD messages were informative and encouraging!
(6/9/18) A very good idea! Very much appreciated, especially during weeks 1-3, when the pain and discomfort were greatest.
(6/3/18) You were always there with me, pushing me on and so so positive! All surgeons and nurses should use StreaMD!
(6/2/18) Great support! I felt “normal” reading the texts.
(5/30/18) The text messages were very informative and helpful. They made the recovery process much easier. I looked forward to reading them every day.
(5/26/18) Excellent service. StreaMD is very informative and gives patient a positive message.
(5/23/18) The messages were so very helpful. It answered alot of questions I was having at the time of the texts!
(5/22/18) The StreaMD messages were very helpful , answered questions I had , encouraged me to work hard for a speedy recovery and stay positive.
(5/22/18) Very positive messages helped when things were slow or a little down.
(5/18/18) I had both of my knees replaced ten years ago by Dr. * —-before this text service was available. Wish I had it then! Even though I knew it was cyberspace, I felt empathy and guidance with this latest, hip replacement. No pun intended but...very cutting edge. I loved it!
(5/17/18) I enjoyed the daily pick me up and the additional exercises!
(5/12/18) Love these messages!
(5/1/18) Very helpful during the pre and post surgery. The thoughtful reminders are spot on and help to reinforce needed information and or goals.
(4/30/18) Great info! Very helpful and timely!
(4/29/18) I am the daughter of the patient undergoing hip replacement. The text program was a very helpful way to know what my mother was going through. It helped me know how better to support her recovery. A++
(4/24/18) The StreaMD messages help keep you motivated!
(4/21/18) - I was very happy with the text messages and exercise videos!!
(4/11/18) The messages were absolutely wonderful!
(4/10/18) The StreaMD messages alleviated the need for me to call the office many times. Really appreciated the connection to the office—it made me feel like they cared about me and my recovery.
(4/5/18) I liked the exercises and was able to share them with my therapist. Good to be sure we were all on the same page. Feeling like I was in touch with the office encouraged me to call when I had questions!
(4/5/18) I looked forward to the StreaMD messages and the information I would glean from them.
(4/4/18) Excellent. I felt connected to my health care providers and sent into my world with follow up support. Not needing to call with questions which I suspected were routine, but important to me when I needed reassuring.
(3/24/18) I really did enjoy getting these messages, very good program!
(3/22/18) The StreaMD messages kept me motivated to keep moving and doing my exercises everyday.
(3/21/18) I Love this service! Often answered the questions I was having.
(3/20/18) It is an excellent resource .... continue to use it!
(3/16/18) Very informative and pretty much answers questions I may have had.
(3/15/18) These are amazing, everyone should use this.
(3/10/18) Keep them coming!!! They’re all great as far as I’m concerned.
(3/7/18) Keep sending them to new patients! My therapist was very impressed, she had never seen anything like that before.
(3/6/18) StreaMD needs to continue these messages because they are very informative. My therapist was very impressed!
(3/6/18) I thought the StreaMD messages were always right on the money and looked forward to getting them!
(3/2/18) Great idea. This is a great investment!
(2/24/18) Keep offering this to patients. I looked forward to the texts every day!
(2/17/18) I read all the StreaMD texts and they were quite helpful!
(2/16/18) I thought they were extremely helpful and very well thought out. These should be done for any surgery!!
(2/9/18) Excellent. Especially the first few days after surgery. Good reminders later in recovery. Thank you!
(2/8/18) This was a very good idea especially useful for 1st time patients!
(2/5/18) This was a very helpful aid to recovery!
(2/4/18) StreaMD was incredibly helpful, I would change a thing. Great tool for recovery!
(2/2/18) The messages were terrific and I looked forward everyday to them!
(1/27/18) - Loved the messages! Even my physical therapists were impressed!
(1/20/18) Sometimes I thought you could read my mind when I would have a concern or question ... then all of a sudden I would get a text message with the question I was thinking about!
(1/17/18) StreaMD messages were incredibly helpful. Thank you dos much!
(1/9/18) Several times when i questioned something, i would receive an answer within hours. It was though you were reading my mind. Made my family laugh. Messages were definitely helpful and saved several calls to the office, made me comforable, improved my healing success... Thanks!
(1/8/18) Thought the messages were very helpful throughout the entire process!
(12/30/17) I felt like StreaMD knew my every move before I made them. Lol.
(12/26/17) I felt like StreaMD knew my every move before I made them. Lol!
(12/24/17) Very helpful, these are great messages!
(12/23/17) I find the short texts from my surgeon post surgery most helpful. They are informative, encouraging, and help keep me motivated and positive. I recommend signing up for them!
(12/20/17) Excellent and very encouraging! Great timing with the messages!
(12/8/17) Overall a positive experience that helped me navigate the unknown territory of what to expect with recovery. I looked forward to receiving the StreaMD messages & liked the upbeat aspect of the messages!
(12/4/17) This was a great service. It really was helpful and very motivating!
(12/1/17) The StreaMD messages were extremely welcoming. It was like someone was reading my mind!
(11/27/17) I always looked forward to the messages.
They were always in line with what I was being told by nurses or pts.
(11/20/17) Very on point with where I was in my recovery process. Good encouragement!
(11/14/17) These messages always seemed to come just at the right time!
(11/11/17) Found the messages excellent, enjoyed them and very helpful with my surgery. 80 years,l was very apprehensive about a total knee replacement. Today, it was the best decision I have made. I was walking around with a cane in 3 weeks and today perfect, 100%. Thanks again, You are the best!
(11/8/17) The StreaMD messages were encouraging and I looked forward to the new information.
(11/7/17) Thank you for the text messages. I looked forward to them everyday. They were very encouraging, helped remind me to keep on track and it’s nice to have daily interaction. Made me feel like I had a connection after surgery. I am very impressed with this technology.
(11/4/17) The text messages are a source of helpful and timely information, reminders, advice and personal encouragement- a welcome addition to a sometimes impersonal (or just extremely busy) medical system. Texts are easy to access and are always available as a reference. Nice that they are ‘sent’ and approved by the surgeon- a personal touch
(10/27/17) StreaMD videos made exercises much easier to navigate, very helpful!
(10/24/17) I really enjoyed the messages! It was motivating.
(10/18/17) The StreaMD messages made me feel like they were in the room with me. Sometimes i would be doing a particular thing and the message was about exactly that thing! Hilarious.
(10/14/17) When searching for the right surgeon to do my TKR, I asked the advice of several Physical Therapists, and the consensus was Dr* was their preference. In addition to his obvious skill, they noted his excellent response times when they had patient concerns, and the texting program as above and beyond the norm. I totally agree! On days when I was feeling down and out of touch with the rest of the world, getting a text or two made me feel like I wasn’t alone and had a support team to back me up!
(10/10/17) I have found the StreaMD text messages and their content to be very helpful and I am so appreciative of receiving them. The messages helped me to understand what was happening after the surgery and what I could do to help my recovery. Sometimes when I would feel a little down I would receive a message of encouragement that would strengthen my resolve to be positive and continue pressing forward.
(10/9/17) The messages were so very helpful and let me know exactly where I should be as far as healing and therapy. They worked so good!!!!
(10/4/17) The is the perfect addition to post treatment!
(10/3/17) So helpful. I compared PT with exercises in texts-confirmed that I was on the right path. Also felt more connected with the surgeon!
(9/24/17) Please keep doing this, it is encouraging and I absolutely loved and needed it!
(9/22/17) Great Idea! StreaMD is very helpful and keeps me informed.
(9/15/17) Excellent resource! Supported my rehab and also great support/answered questions related to healing, symptoms, what to expect, etc.
(9/15/17) Thank you! It always seemed that StreaMD answered the question at the right time
(9/15/17) Great idea! I’m happy we decided to have them sent to us. They were very timely overall.
(9/11/17) -Excellent and so timely that I thought there was camera in my house tracking my progress.
(9/10/17) Very helpful. Definitely increases sense of confidence and connection. Many thanks!
(9/8/17) I think the StreaMD messages were very helpful with imformation and keeping me on track with my recovery.
(9/2/17) Wonderful idea. The messages were extremely helpful and made me feel like the doctor cared!
(8/31/17) I found the StreaMD messages to be extremely informative and they definitely helped me enormously during my recovery!!! Thank you!
(8/30/17) Excellent and the timing was spot on.
(8/20/17) All Perfect. Hopefully more doctors will do the same!
(8/18/17) Thank you for reminding me to stay on task!
(8/17/17) I love them! Very informative and very much needed for great direction. Thank you for an amazing experience!
(8/13/17) Just wish they would keep going!
(8/9/17) Great benefit! Very helpful and encouraging. I felt less isolated, especially during the first few weeks. Found myself looking forward to the StreaMD texts and they helped me monitor my progress.
(8/9/17) It is motivating and encouraging to know that you are continually being supported in you recovery!
(8/1/17) I loved the StreaMD text messages. Thank you so much for all the support!
(7/30/17) Don’t stop the messages! These have been very helpful. It’s perfect!
(7/29/17) It was fun “hearing” from my doctor on a regular basis through the StreaMD messages. Additionally, I appreciated the exercise suggestions and videos. They helped!
(7/27/17) Loved the StreaMD messages! Thank you.
(7/27/17) Please keep up the good work! We need more doctors like you who offer StreaMD. People who truly care.
(7/26/17) I found the StreaMD messages very inspirational and felt daily like someone was really understanding what I was going through. They were very well timed and pertinent when received. I told the doctor how much I enjoyed them!
(7/22/17) The StreaMD messages are so inspiring! Every time I read them, I realized it was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank You so much!
(7/16/17) The StreaMD messages motivated me throughout my recovery. Thank you!
(7/5/17) It was nice having the StreaMD text messages. They were great influence on my recovery!
(6/26/17) The StreaMD messages were very helpful. It was like having a second person around cheerleading!
(6/26/17) Very helpful!
(6/22/17) Thank you for setting me up with StreaMD. I feel I was very successful in my rehab and I am still continuing to get more range of motion and strength.
(6/20/17) Great concept!
(6/20/17 The StreaMD messages were very helpful and informative!
(6/19/17) The StreaMD messages have been uplifting and fun to look for each day. I have found them to be very beneficial, and encouraging.
(6/19/17) I love the text messages! They helped me feel normal and informed.
(6/19/17) The text messages I receive from Dr.’s staff are quite helpful as well as inspiring. Thanks again for the wonderful and informative text messages!
(6/13/17) StreaMD is a great way to stay connected to patients. It projects a feeling to us that our surgeon is concerned about our healing process, both physically and mentally.
6/12/17 I loved StreaMD. The timing of the messages was spot on. They came through with words of encouragement at exactly the right times.
6/9/17 The StreaMD texts everyday on my phone help me a lot. It motivated me do my exercises. Thank you, job well done. 5 stars!
(6/7/17) Absolutely loved the program! I enjoyed the StreaMD text messages! It helped me with questions and kept my attitude positive while recovering!!
(6/6/17) The StreaMD messages were on point and correlated well with my recovery progress.
(6/6/17) I enjoyed StreaMD and appreciated the encouragement!
(6/2/17) Thank you for the StreaMD text messages, excellent idea & very informative!
(5/23/17) The StreaMD messages were very helpful.
(5/20/17) I love these messages thank you!
(5/16/17) It was nice to get positive feedback and encouragement.
(5/14/17) I found the StreaMD messages informative, encouraging and helpful. I looked forward to receiving them.
(5/10/17) I found the StreaMD texts to be highly useful and even forwarded them on to a friend who underwent the same procedure after me (whose surgeon did NOT offer this benefit), and she found them to be very useful and reassuring as well.
(5/7/17) The StreaMD messages really made me feel more connected to my doctor, like he was checking in on me daily (which I really appreciated, and it made me feel cared for and comforted). I found the encouragement so helpful when I was feeling vulnerable.

The educational texts were great reminders at just the right time, and in some cases let me know what I could progress to (e.g., like when it was safe to try sleeping on my side!!, or when I could safely stop taking aspirin). The physical therapy videos were great additions to what I was doing in my outpatient PT program and gave me more to practice. I found all the encouragement to work hard on the physical therapy exercises very inspiring, as it helped me to feel very positive about all the progress I was making because of my efforts. I also felt that through (the almost) daily texts, he cheered me on and stood behind me all the way.

I found myself sharing some of the StreaMD texts with my family or Physical Therapist,, which led them to frequently ask, “What did Dr. say today?” In this way he also connected with my family and outpatient treatment team. My outpatient physical therapy team talked about how they plan to talk to their docs about putting the texting program in there practice because they thought it was such a good idea!!

I am very grateful for the time, thought and effort the creators put into the texting program and would highly recommend it to all!!
(5/3/17) Loved the support from StreaMD, felt like someone cared about my recovery.
(5/2/17) StreaMD is a great tool for people pre- and post surgery. Very informative.
(4/29/17) StreaMD was very helpful!
(4/25/17) Nice feature!
(4/23/17) Good idea. Answered questions I would have had.
(4/19/17) Everything was great! Keep it up.
(4/19/17) The StreaMD messages & videos were very helpful. It felt like I had a connection to my doctor’s office.
(4/19/17) Thanks for the StreaMD texts. They are very helpful and help keep my stress level down. They’re also an easy reference if I have to look back for a piece of information. Keep them up!
(4/11/17) Thanks so much for all the encouragement. It really makes a difference in maintaining a good recovery. 👍
(4/11/17) I really found StreaMD helpful. This is my second replacement and it was still beneficial.
(4/9/17) The StreaMD messages have been very helpful I have looked forward to the communication daily. Thank you so much! I appreciate all of them and the encouraging words that were given and the support. Thank you!
(4/5/16) StreaMD was very informative and helpful.
(4/1/17) Thank you for the StreaMD texts - I have looked forward to receiving them each day. The messages give me a sense of comfort and a feeling of connection with my surgeon and care team which I am grateful for.
(3/29/17) The StreaMD messages are a great tool and I really enjoyed receiving them. I think it’s a great piece to add to the recovery process.
(3/28/17) Keep them up, I enjoyed the positive messages!
(3/24/17) The StreaMD messages occurred when I needed answers so I wasn’t second guessing if I should or should not call office. Very helpful and motivating to get through the tougher early weeks. Did not want to talk to other patients as every patient is different so these were perfect for me. Loved the videos. They were a little different from the study videos but loved the length of videos and felt they were legitimate compared to YouTube options. Keep up the good work. On the right track.
(3/21/17) Thanks for all the encouragement!!! You guys rock!!!
(3/18/17) I loved StreaMD texts - they included timely practical and inspirational messages. I can’t tell you how often they were spot on, and so reassured me. (I especially loved the one early on about emotions being affected, which had just happened to me, which I found confusing. I followed the exercise protocol and appreciated the videos. I like that, at times, you included links for more info (e.g., pain management). Overall, I’ve appreciated these texts!
(3/18/17) I looked forward to receiving the StreaMD messages each day.
(3/17/17) I was totally pleased with StreaMD text messaging program and would not change a thing. The text messaging program gave me support and encouragement each day. I appreciated each text and followed through with my daily therapy. Thank you for incorporating this program in the rehabilitation schedule.
(3/14/17) I loved being part of StreaMD. The texts answered my questions, picked me up when I was down and encouraged me to work hard every day. As a result, my recovery has been smooth and speedy! I am surprisingly excited to have my other hip replaced!
(3/14/17) Messages were really helpful and perfectly timed to my recovery, like “swelling is normal”. Its a great idea and i’ve told many about them.
(3/12/17) StreaMD was really helpful during my recovery process.
(3/7/17) Great addition to therapy rehab process!
(3/4/17) I liked reassurances presented by the StreaMD texts. Some days were better than others and the texts helped carry me through the “not so good” days. All in all, I had a very good experience and the texts were a contributing factor.
(2/27/17) Really liked videos.
(2/24/17) I enjoyed getting the useful and encouraging texts from StreaMD.
(2/17/17) I’ve already told my Dr. how great StreaMD is. I’ve also praised it to my therapist.
(2/14/17) StreaMD is a great feature.
(2/11/17) I believe StreaMD gave me more encouragement to keep up the job I was doing. I feel the more people behind you in your recovery the harder you will work to get yourself back to normal. I really liked the text messages. I feel they encouraged me to keep up with the therapy even when I thought I would never be able to accomplish the exercises. I believe StreaMD helped tremendously in my recovery I still have a way to go but I know I’ll do it.
(2/9/17) Great resource, kept me on track!
(2/8/17) All good!
(2/6/17) StreaMD is an excellent teaching tool!
(2/4/17) Thank you!
(1/25/17) Found StreaMD helpful in order to stay on task. It aided in making the recovery easier. Plus the family members had fun reminding me to do what I was supposed to stay on track with my exercises.
(1/22/17) Everything was great!
(1/20/17) Enjoyed the StreaMD messaging service.
(1/18/17) Great idea!
(1/18/17) I thought it was great! Everything was very positive.
(1/8/17) Thank you, StreaMD helped with uncertainty about therapy techniques and what is ordinarily expected.
(12/31/16) Thanks for the StreaMD text message program. It was a good source of information.
(12/28/16) Loved it. I always felt connected to my Dr. Thank you for this wonderful service.
(12/11/16) Loved the StreaMD daily texts. Helped me keep motivated!
(12/1/16) StreaMD eliminates doubt and confusion.
(11/30/16) StreaMD was very helpful and made me feel more in touch with the Dr. and [provided me with] some answers before I could ask the questions.
(11/29/16) The positive reinforcement in StreaMD is extremely helpful in this recovery.
(11/18/16) I liked the exercise videos. Good product.
(11/16/16) StreaMD is good for us older patients.
(11/12/16) Very nice and timely.
(11/9/16) There were a couple of texts that answered my questions so I didn’t have to call. Good job.
(10/23/16) Valuable supplement to in person conversation. Substantive content. Thank you!
(10/19/16) The StreaMD text messages and accompanied links were spot on.
(10/17/16) Excellent job StreaMD. Feeling great.
(10/14/16) Thanks for the encouragement to keep going strong!
(10/12/16) It paralleled my recovery and topics were very timely.
(9/29/16) The positive tone and gentle reminders. And I didn’t feel alone in this recovery. And my family liked to hear what the texts were saying too.
(9/23/16) StreaMD was really helpful. Especially during a couple frustrating times when a positive message appeared. It was as if I was being watched lol! It was reassuring to know what I was experiencing with my recovery was typical and I was on schedule. Great idea!
(9/23/16) Loved the info.
(9/23/16) I used StreaMD as a reminder that doing physical therapy will lead to successful outcome.
(9/6/16) Loved the constant recommendations on exercises and progress towards recovery. Great use of technology.
(8/17/16) The messages were so informative, but I’d say the inspiration they gave me was the most beneficial. Just when I’d be a bit discouraged, came words of encouragement. The timing was always perfect. The exercises were also very helpful. Nothing to dislike with StreaMD.
(8/7/16) The daily exercises helped me keep on track. It seemed personal like I was talking to my doctor in person.
(7/23/16) I like it all! The encouragement and positive statements. The videos were great!
(8/11/16) StreaMD reinforced that I was where I should be in my recovery.
(7/12/16) Thought it was a great idea! Wouldn’t change it!
(7/9/16) I thought it was very helpful.
(6/26/16) It’s great the way it is. I liked everything. I looked forward to receiving them everyday. I viewed the videos and performed the exercises. If I forgot what to do, I always saved them and referred back to them. Thank you!
(6/21/16) StreaMD was pretty much in sync as I recovered.
(6/14/16) I liked everything.
(6/11/16) The StreaMD videos were helpful.  Liked everything. A real psychological boost for me because it knew somebody was interested in my Recovery.
(6/11/16) Enjoyed the encouragement. Looked forward to the StreaMD texts.
(6/7/16) The texts were great and had a positive influence on my recovery. I was sad to see them end. 😥 I liked everything about StreamMD. I am having my other knee replaced and hope to get the messages again.
(6/1/16) Very informative on a daily basis and encouraging and helpful and uplifting making you feel that you were thought about after the surgery.
(5/26/16) All positive, loved StreaMD text messages.
(4/30/16) Overall I can’t think of anything I would change or add. I think you covered it very well.
(4/25/16) The videos and information that was text on a daily basis was very good I appreciated and enjoyed the purpose of it all. No dislikes at all. Thank you!