Our chatbots service as a conversational concierge service for your practice

We know that preparing and recovering from surgery is an overwhelming experience for patients. There’s no shortage of questions. How do I prepare my house for recovery? What do I bring to the hospital? How long do I wear the stockings? Are bruising and swelling normal?

Traditionally, patients either call the office for answers or search Dr. Google.

For surgeons using STREAMD, the patient experience is different. After a surgeon deploys our AI-powered chatbots in their practice, patients have access to their surgeon’s prescribed treatment preferences 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Whether it’s 2 am the night before surgery or 9 pm the night after, patients can text their questions and get instant answers that match their surgeon’s treatment preferences and care culture that is already in place.

This fully automated process allows clinical staff members and surgeons to direct their attention to more value-added services.

Kevin Campbell